Soroi smiled wholeheartedly.

Soroi: Hahaha! It fills my heart to see that you two are still as close as ever.

We both smiled together, knowing that our bond wouldn't break anymore.

Some time later, Naked Sol's lab

(Y/N), Satsuki, Iori, and Aikuro were at the lab, discussing something.

Iori: So that experiment that Ragyo ran on you ans Lady Satsuki when you were babies only had an effect on you, huh?

(Y/N): Yep. That awakened Kanketsu inside of me.

Let me talk for a second.

(Y/N): Wha- You guys hear me?

Satsuki: Huh?

Aikuro: What the hell was that, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sorry for the scare. This is Kanketsu speaking. I'm doing this by taking control of (Y/N)'s vocal chords.

Aikuro: Huh. Never would've thought I'd hear a Kamui speak.

(Y/N): Pretty neat, huh? Get to the point, Kanketsu. Alright, fine... Basically, (Y/N)'s body has about 50% life fibers inside of it. So if I could just absorb more life fibers...

Iori: ...You'd be complete.

(Y/N): Exactly! And that stage of 100% was what Ragyo was looking for, but she missed her chance.

Satsuki: Iori, is there a way to complete the 50% that are left?

Iori: Hmmm..

He turned towards the computer.

Iori: I could sew a five star Goku Uniform... That's about 50.000 threads. Kanketsu, you think that's enough?

(Y/N): 50.000, huh? Yeah, that should be enough.

Iori: It's settled then. I'll start sewing the new uniforms immediately!

Aikuro: Wait, you'll have to sew uniforms for the Elite and all the others we saved from the COVERS. Will you be able to do all of that by yourself?

Iori: Don't worry, I got this!

Three Star Goku Uniform: Tailor's Regalia!

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Three Star Goku Uniform: Tailor's Regalia!

We left Iori to work and returned to the platform, with the others.

I noticed that Inumuta was typing something pretty quick and looked pretty focused on his computer.

(Y/N): What're you doing there?

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