The kids in front of us begin to trail into the square. I grip Ana's hand tightly. What if we see one of them? The moment our feet step into the square, blinding light rays seep through the barricade of towers. My hand flies to shield my eyes so that I'm finally able to see the square. To both my surprise and relief, it is deserted.

"I think they bring each caste in separately." Harriet says quietly.

Now that we're fully encompassed within the square, I note that the buildings surrounding us each have a large number on it. However the interiors are hidden by the mirrored walls.

"Boys and girls, please make your way into Brand Building 2. From there you will be called upon to take your final match test. Please wait patiently and quietly." The speakerphone announces.

The train of people jerks back into life as we move towards the brand building. Its fairly boring to look at seeing as the architectural design is the same as all the other buildings we have passed already. A series of clicks rings echoes throughout the square as the first few girls enter the doorway. As I move in through the sliding glass doors, I feel my bracelet tingle against my skin while my name flashes again with the word 'registered'.

The inside of the brand building is a little drab. The word 'clean' springs to my mind as there is no other defining feature. A few chairs and tables have been dotted around the room for our use but most of them have already been claimed.

"Let's sit by the window. That way we can watch the other castes come in." Harriet suggests.

"I'd rather sit over there." I reply uneasily, gesturing towards the other end of the room. Alas, the space in the middle of the room is filling up so quickly that Harriet simply raises her eyebrows at me.

"You don't have to look at them." Ana comments. With reluctance, I nod my head and follow them over to a table by the window.

"The final match tests are set to begin in 5 minutes. They will occur in alphabetical order of surnames. Katharine Abel and Marshall Bane please report to the waiting room." A voice over a speakerphone announces. A girl and boy instantly rise and weave their way through the crowd towards a flight of stairs.

I heave the haversack off of my shoulders and lean against it. Harriet and Ana occupy the two chairs and talk quietly amongst themselves. However, I rest my head back against my haversack and exhale heavily.

I could do it. Maybe it would change things.

A slight glow under my chin disturbs my thoughts. I lift my necklace to see the little metal spots on the charm of my moon glowing.

'When your match has arrived within the Summoning grounds or if they are already present, your charm will glow. '

He's here or he's just arrived. I turn my head slightly to see flashes of black dashing past the windows. What caste is this? I relax against my haversack once more as my neck stiffens from the awkward angle. I'd rather not know.

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