
The unicorns breath were sharp, almost in a hissing manner as he gasped for air whilst the tears fell down his cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut as he took a small
step back.


The glow only brightening as the small embers surrounding him started to swirl around him, the focus being the horn. It began to glow the same cyan that the embers did, bits of light blue flames started to form and whirl around the horn that glowed

The hooves of the unicorn emmited the same glow, it grew stronger, the eyes of the cadets widen as they took another step back. Afraid of what the other would do. Of what could happen..

Though, the words of their mentor would hurt more, of what would come next.


Yelled the mentor, and with that. Came a burst of magic that would shake the jetpad, the burst of energy that escaped the unicorn had hit all three of the cadets, causing them to be thrown onto the wall of this flying home. All three being knocked unconscious by the impact.

The unicorns eyes opened in shock as he realised what had happened. He looked up with a vision slightly blurred

" i-i "

He choked out, seeing all three of his cadets now on the floor, leaning on the wall of Jetpad, unconscious. The unicorn froze,

" no.. "

He muttered to himself, memories flashing in his mind, he covered his mouth with his hooves as he shook his head. Unable to comprehend what he had done

" n-no no no..no.. "

He continously muttered

" Not again "

" Not again..."

The unicorn scrambled over to the cadets, trying to shake them awake ever so gently

" please.. please be okay. Please please please "

The three were close to eachother, the mentor panicked as he was given no response. His tears fell onto the floor faster as he took the three cadets in his arms

" Please please be okay!! "

Pleaded the unicorn, eyes closed as he held the three tightly. Not wanting them to end in the same fate as his youngest.

His eyes widen as he felt something.


He moved his hand only to realise what he had felt.. was blood. Blood had ran down the back of the head of the cadet named Lars. His black eyes watched as it dripped down his hooves. It wasnt much...

But it was enough to shatter the mentors heart

He had hurt his cadets..

He had done this.

They did nothing wrong.

GJ, Academy Origins; Tales of a Dynamic DuoWhere stories live. Discover now