L HCs you can pry from my cold dead hands

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This is short af because my brain don't be working atm. But here, take it while I try and reboot my brain.

Because I'm low key having a major writers block RN, here's a list of L head canons that to me, ARE canon.

Like you can pry these from my cold dead hands, these are C A N O N to me.

•he plays either piano or violin

•he's a major weeb

•he DEFINITELY had (low key still has) an emo phase

•cries a lot when people aren't looking.

•Halloween is obviously his favourite holiday

•he has some kind of PTSD that affects some of his habits.

•piggybacking off of that, he bites his nails thanks to anxiety and when Watari started putting that gross tasting nail polish on them when he was a kid, he started chewing on other things like the ends of pencils, hoodie stings and lollipop sticks.

•he has a dark and dirty sense of humour but won't show it.

•he's constantly touch starved

•waist up? Dummy stick. Waist down? Dummy thicc

•*cough* submissive biTCH

•cuddles? AW YE BRO GIMME THAT GOOD SHIT... but don't tell the taskforce.

•still has a childhood comfort toy

•tea over coffee kind of person.

•was a slippery little kid and whenever it was nap time he could outrun all the adults at the orphanage until he eventually got tired and fell asleep in a random hiding spot.

•blanket nests are his favourite place to work

•refuses to eat carrot cake because who the fuck puts a vegetable in cake?

•swears a lot, just in languages the people around him don't know so he can get away with it. "Fuck" is a common word to leave his mouth... in varying languages.

•definitely has a British accent (that we couldn't hear bc of his American and Japanese VAs)

•judges people on their names, then remembers his name is just the letter L and remembers he can't really talk with a name like that.

•down with the memes, every so slightly behind but still pretty up to date. He's able to say "yeet" in the correct way so it's a pass.

•super smart with academics, very clueless at talking to girls

•wants an alt girl to step on him in throat stompers and make him their cuddle slave, but will never admit it.

•secretly reads cheesy romance stories to fill the void of not having that himself.

•the mummy issues? Astronomical.

•can sing amazingly, just too shy to do it.

•low-key liked hanging out with the girls at wammys better because the boys were loud and rowdy and the girls just likes to sit and colour and chat. Despite that he still can't talk to girls as he was "you're like an awkward little brother" zoned by all of them.

And yeah that's it. These are basically canon in my mind. That's why I've written so much about them all before.

Anyway I'll try and get a proper oneshot out later. Bye for now bros.

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