I step closer to him, gently pulling him closer by his tie as he leans forward, softly kissing my neck and making his way down to my collarbone. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I whisper. "You're upset, and vulnerable... I don't want you to do anything you don't really want."

"I'm sure." he breathes, cupping my cheek and slowly bringing our lips together. My arms find their way around his neck as the kiss deepens, and before I know it I find we're at the threshold of Chandler's room.

**Present day (3 years later)**

Since that night three years ago, we've sort of suppressed our feelings for each other. We said it was just a one-time thing, but I secretly want more, and I know he does too. He's using Janice as a distraction, pretending he's fallen in love with her... but it isn't working. I can see what this is starting to do to him.

A few hours later, I finally decide to get up. It's Saturday, and I've got plans with Rachel, Monica and Phoebe to go shopping together. After brushing my hair, washing my face and brushing my teeth, I'm about to head across the hall to get some breakfast at Monica and Rachel's when Chandler comes out of his room.

"Look, [Y/N], can we talk about this?"

"About what?"

"This! You can't even look at me!"

I force myself to look at him, before speaking again. "What do you want from me, Chandler? It's like you don't even want to be friends anymore! Ever since you started dating Janice it's like you're a whole different person! Aren't you happy with her?"

"Happy?" he snaps, walking towards me. I back up until my back hits the door and we're almost nose to nose. He grabs my wrists and aggressively pins them against the door. Something inside him has snapped. I've never seen this side to him before, and I'm petrified. "Happy? Why wouldn't I be happy?"

I don't speak for a moment, paralysed by fear.

"Why?" he demands again.

I muster up the little courage I have left. This isn't the same Chandler I used to know. "Doesn't this prove it to you? I've never seen you like this since I moved in four years ago! Have you seen yourself? Have you heard yourself? You are clearly not happy!"

"I am happy!" He shouts, but I can see the pain in his eyes.

"You're not-" I'm cut off by Chandler fiercely pressing his lips against mine. I'm unsure of whether or not to kiss him back, but before I can decide, he's pulled away, my wrists still in his hands.

"I AM! OKAY? I'M HAPPY WITH HER!" He puts more pressure on my wrists against the door, seeing I'm about to argue back and kissing me again, this time so aggressively the back of my head hits the door. He forces his tongue inside my mouth, pushing his body harder against mine. I force the tears not to run down my cheeks as I look over Chandler's shoulder and see Joey emerge from his room.

"Joey!" I whimper just as Chandler pulls back, the fear evident in my voice. "Joey, I think Chandler's going to-"

Chandler steps back, dropping my wrists, the fire fading from his eyes as he realises what I'm accusing him of. I take my chance and run into Joey's arms, trembling but still forcing myself not to cry. I didn't think it was possible to be so scared of someone I love so much.

"Chandler, what's the matter with you?" demands Joey, rubbing my back soothingly, "What the hell were you thinking? Look at what you've done to her!"

Chandler looks distraught. I know he just lost control, but it doesn't excuse what he did... what he was on the brink of doing. He stares at his own hands, thinking through what he'd just used them for as though he didn't realise he was capable of such violence. "I... I need to go..." he mumbles, grabbing his coat and leaving, running his hands through his hair.

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