the introduction

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What if the the night had no moon

What if the day had no noon

What if the life had no boon

Would we survive?

What if the seed did not grow

What if the fruits remain raw

What if the stars did not glow

Would we revive?

What if the mountains were upside down

What if the planet was not round

What if universe had no bound

Would our souls rive?

what it the earth stops running

what if the wind stops blowing what if the time stops going

Would that leave us alive?

All of these are just bizarre

Or that our mind cant get out the jar

Of order and princples or go so far...


But some WHAT IFs may change the world

What if you knew when to die

What if you knew who did lie

what if you knew the meaning of each sigh

Wouldn't it rule?


What if the world was all good

What if there was no bad mood

What if no one was slightly rude

Wait... This may take the ride

It only demans from each of us

To give our greed a perfect toss

Our hatred and all moral loss
This is an introduction to a collection of poems that I will soon update...
Please enrich my new book with your comments and votes ... with love ♡j.f

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