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King pov

I was floating in my pillow through the street I'm not with izuku he said he's going somewhere so I let him when I heard a scream I look there but I can't see it this stupid height so I just float little higher to see what's happening then I saw katsuki inside of some green slime 'eww gross' I wonder where is that allmight I think he's the only one who has a power to stop this whatever that thing is cause the other hero can't do a thing but then suddenly I saw izuku running and throw his bag through the slime's eye then trying to dig katsuki

What a troublesome twin I fly to him fast enough to block the villains slime with my chastifiol transform to form guardian hugging us then suddenly allmight appeard and punch the air but damn strong shockwave through us luckily my guardian protect us

Then the heroes come to us
They separate me to izuku
"Wow your quirk is amazing"
"Can it transform to a weapon" I just nod they keep praising me and katsuki while izuku being scolded

After that I go home while some man get izuku says he wanted to talk to him'sigh' ten months and the U.A will start hmm I need to training now that my little wings will appears now
*Sigh* guess I need to trainig my chastifiol and wings


Ten months later

We're standing now I front of U.A I mean izuku is standing while me floating in my pillow izuku is nervous
"Are you ok izuku"
Sigh' he's not ok suddenly he trip himself but luckily a girl save him 
I just float through the exam I leave him there why there's a girl 

'few minutes later'

A guy with some speaker speak with a very loud voice
" Everybody says hohh" silence
"Ok this year is tough" he continues
I just sleep I don't really care about that so sleep suddenly I was awaken
"You there " the four eyes says while pointing on me
"If only want to sleep what are you doing here? You should listen"
"Whatever" I just say while he's shock

*In the exam ground*

I'm at the ground B not really care about I'm laying in my pillow waiting to start then the gate open I immediately flew to the tallest building and separate myself to my pillow while saying fifth form increase then suddenly thousand of daggers form behind me levitating while me in the middle of city levitating above  then I swaying my hand while my daggers flew it one of robot destroying it immediately I knew I'll have the highest score in U.A now

*Meanwhile in TV room *

"Look at the explosion boy" a guy with red eyes that look likes he didn't sleep at all.

"Hmmmm look at this little kid floating his quirk is interesting"  a hybrid dog,bear and dog

"Yeah your right" allmight said

"Now let's turn up the heat" says the hybrid while pushing the red button

*In the exam ground*

The ground shook 'what is happening' king thought then suddenly huge robot are walking through the fake city
"now that good let's see if it's tough enough" king said then flew high further while yelling  fourth form sunflower then a huge like sunflower in middle fake city then king raise his right hand and says "perish" then bringing down his hand then the huge sunflower release a huge beam straight to giant robot that obliterate it whole while king grining while thinking how proud he was

*In the TV room*

All of them jawdrops seeing how strong this kid

"Wow never thought only a kid could obliterate a giant robot like it was nothing" nezu said still shock

The other could only nod dumbly

*In the exam ground*

Hehehehe that's good

"Okay examines the exam is now done just wait the letter in your house "
So the exam is done hmmm I'm going home

.......... Midoriya household..........

"So izuku what do think? Do you think we pass? " I ask

"I don't really know" he says

" Hmmm I can't wait"

..........few days later..........

"Izu....king. T-the letter is here" while giving us each letter from U.A

"Ok mom I just go to my room" then flew well sorry I'm lazy

Hmmm let's see if I pass while opening the letter suddenly ...... A projection of allmight appeard in front of me that shock the hell of me

"King harlequin midoriya you had such a good quirk and good control on it..... By the you had a score 143 villains point means you pass flying colors and you beaten my score when I enrolled in U.A .....congratulations you are in class 1-A and please don't be late in your first day of school ....
8 a.m you should be in there next week so.... See you next week........"

Ok ...I know I will pass .. I wonder if  izuku pass I wish he was
Im just going to sleep for now tomorrow I will ask izuku


"Good morning mom" I greet mom

"Morning king... Here I already made breakfast"

So sat there waiting for izuku

"Morning mom" ohhhh it's izuku he's awake now

"Morning izu ... Come now let's eat breakfast" izuku rush to seat

Hmmm  I think I will ask him now

"Izuku did you pass? Because I did"
I said with my casual voice while hugging my green pillow

"Ohhhh yes I am I'm in class 1-A" he excitedly said

"Well me too I'm in class1-A"

"Yay we're classmate" he said while sparkling eyes

"Yeah...whatever" hmmm whatever

..........................vote pls

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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