2 | GREEK yoghurt

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Chapter 02: GREEK yoghurt

This morning just felt weird. Odd. I guess waking up somewhere where you're not totally familiar kinda plays tricks on you. I go to the wardrobe to find white shirts, and skirts, and dresses. I quickly close the wardrobe. 

OK. I thought Amanda was joking when she said I wouldn't the clothes in the closet. I go to my duffel bag and take out a pair of ripped black jeans and the new Def Leppard shirt. Me being me, I take one black high top converse and one high top red converse and put them on. the right foot being black and left red.

I got downstairs and Anthony gave me a weird look after looking at my shoes, "Got a problem kiddo." I said and he walks away rolling his eyes. I don't like this kid.

I got to the dinning table and poured down some cereals in my bowl and then some milk.

"So I thought Robby could help you paint your room." Daniel says.

"Don't you have like people to do that. Like you know rich people." I say not looking at him.

"No we don't. Anyways since you aren't going to school for these next two weeks so I thought I'd occupy you."

"I can occupy myself thank you very much. But sure whatever." I say. Robby isn't that bad after all.


Robby and I soon finish painting my room and he leaves saying he has to go to the dealership. Soon enough Sam and Anthony come back from school.

I hear Sam talking to someone on her computer and just as she hangs up I barge in, "New boyfriend huh?" 

"What er, yes." she says.

That was too easy. I start to walk away when she says, "You can't tell dad or mom please." she says and this catches my attention.

I smile to myself, "And why would I not tell them?"

"He's a Cobra Kai and dad doesn't really like Cobra Kais." she says.

"That will cost you 30 bucks." I say.


"Well i keep secrets for twenty but because this is good information i'll add an additional ten." I say and she sighs. She hands me thirty bucks and I walk away happily after fake sealing my lips.


I hear a few pebbles being thrown at my window and thinking it's Anthony I run towards the window angrily. It's literally eleven pm what does this motherfuck-

"Robby?" I whisper.

"i need your help." he says.

"for?" what am i? a free help service or something?

He points to his waist and lifts his shirt up a little revealing a 6 pack. I see a bruise I go downstairs. Thank god everyone's asleep. I grab an ice pack from the freezer and a couple of tissues. I head to the backyard and see him sitting by the tanning chairs.

I throw the ice pack at him and he presses it against his hair waist, "The fuck happened?"

"Nothing important." he says and I remove the ice pack from his hand.

"You may do karate but your reflexes aren't good." i say.

I look at the bruise while lifting his shirt, "that looks like a bad punch. wish i was there to see who did this. i'd thank them." i joke.

"There's these two guys. And well they kinda of wanted me to help them steal from the dealership. i refused and this happened." 

"Don't you do 'self-defense' karate?" i say.

Sofia LaRusso X Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now