Fat Bottomed Girls

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Y/N woke up tied onto a pillar. Next to behind him was the flailing Mako. Below him was a vat of boiling water.

Y/N started to breathe heavily. Foo Fighters, dying scream kept ringing. He could've saved her, but he wasn't fast enough. He was never fast enough.

Her crumbling body as she reached towards Y/N in pain. He began to thrash about in panic. Forgetting to use his stand. He didn't think about that. Foo Fighters, was essentially a child in a hellish prison.

Y/N began to sob in despair. The death of Foo Fighters was his fault. Pucci was right there! Y/N could've killed him right there!

Until he felt himself fall, the ropes were cut. He was on a cloaked figure's back.

Y/N was gently set down, and caught a peek under the cloak. Was that a thong?

He and Mako stepped out the ring. The Boxing Club President, Fuko rushed towards the figure. She took it without flinching, and the cloak scattered apart.

Oh god, it was Ryuko! She was wearing clothing that amounted to that of a stripper! He seen some night clubs in Tampa. Still, this was on a whole 'nother level!

She seemed to be embarrassed at wearing that. Seriously! Fucking Anansui, had more covered than her! He had the most revealing outfit he knew.

Fuko charged at her, but with a swift motion, her scissor blade blocked it. Then Ryuko sliced apart the Goku Uniform. Once more she challenged Satsuki about her father. Using the microphone she retrieved from the unmoving opponent.

She then ran away, Y/N saw her heavily breathing. She was somehow exhausted, and Y/N was about to follow her.

"Wow! She was so cool! Right Y/N? She challenged Satsuki like that! Well, the way you did it was cool as well. You were like a ghoul!" Mako rambled on.

"I'm going to make sure she's okay. Can you tell your dad that he might he have a patient?" Y/N asked Mako. "Oh! Are you gonna beat someone up? Because you caved in someone's skull with a shovel the last time. Sadly he didn't survive that. Well at least we didn't get sued!" Mako said as she ran home.

Y/N followed Ryuko quite stealthily. Being a former bitcoin assassin has it's perks. Soon she collapsed and her outfit changed into a regular sailor uniform.

Except it was black with a red scarf. It had an eye like design on it. That eye, it didn't sit right with Y/N. It looked way too real. Was it following his movements? Is it a stand?

Y/N carefully approached Ryuko's unconscious body. The eye always staring at him. Yet it wasn't moving, god that's so creepy. Speaking of creepy he saw some dudes approaching Ryuko's body as well.

They saw Y/N and paled, while relatively unknown by the big leagues. In the slums, Y/N is known for his brutality and lack of regard for life. Messing with him is considered a death sentence. Also adding to the fear factor was him going face to face with Satsuki.

Which is most likely gonna put him on the upstairs' radar. That was probably a stupid move of him. It doesn't matter anyway. He has someone to protect.

"Soo, what were you guys doing today? I hope it wasn't targeting this girl here. Because you wanna know what happened to Luca? How I bashed in his skull and took him to one of the doctors here? I didn't take him to Makanshouko. I took him to a man named Cioccolata. Every slice was felt by him," Y/N said in an eerily calm voice. Like performing malicious acts was routine to him. Which it was back before Green Dolphin.

They got the message and scrambled off in fear. Y/N AND Dr. Cioccolata, who is most likely a serial killer? Yeah, that isn't a good combo.

He looked at Ryuko and smiled softly. "Don't worry, you're not going to Cioccolata. You are going to someone who can save your life," Y/N said to the unconscious girl. Why did he even say that?! That's fucking creepy! Makes him sound like a rapist.

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