Very good at following directions

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The first day of school went well. Typical for a first day, really. What you thought was strange was that Kylo went around the room and asked the kids their name, pronouns, and one special fact about themselves. Every dark and mysterious teacher you ever have never bothered with any of that. Maybe his mom was right, that he was a sweet man and actually cared for his students.

When asked to introduce yourself to the class you hesitated. You never liked the idea of calling teachers "Mr/Mrs". You did not like that as a student you had to give respect to someone who has not really earned it from you yet. You do not call your students "Mr/Mrs", why should they call you that. So you just asked them to call you your first name.

Five out of six periods of the day Kylo had a class. You had a class. Wow, after all of these years of going to school you were now the teacher. Well, student teacher. But still

The only period you did not have a class was last period. But that only happened every other day because the school used a block schedule. So you had classes 1,3,5 on one day and 2,4,6 on the other. Odd and even, if you will. But the first day was 1-6 so the students could meet all of their teachers.

Because you did not have last period today, in theory, you could leave early. But you did not want to leave early for the sole reason that you did not want to disappoint Kylo.

When the bell rang for the start of sixth period you found yourself gazing out the window. A question ripped you from your dissociation.
"I'm sorry what, Mr. Ren" you said as you turned in your chair to face him. He turned to look at you.

"I asked you if you have plans for lunch, we can leave because we don't have a sixth period and we do not have any meetings on the first day" he said gathering up the minimal things he brought today and filing them into a leather bag.

"Oh um...I don't have plans...I was just um...planning on heading home to hang out...I guess" you answered slightly confused, all you could think about was your poor dog at home all alone.

"First. You are not very well spoken for a linguistics major. Second, Would you like to come get some food with me? My treat, as my student teacher I will have to get to know you better. Why not start now. Oh yeah, third. There is no need to call me Mr. Ren. As of right now that is only for my students to call me." He said standing from his chair and gathering up the rest of his things. He stood to face you.

You did not know what to you blurted out the first thing that came to mind

"I would love to get lunch with you but I need to go home to let my dog out"

God you're an idiot. Your new "boss" just asked you to lunch but you told him that your DOG has to SHIT. Maybe the first day wasn't going so well after all.

"I love dogs. Maybe I can come with you and meet him before we get lunch?" Kylo asked, you could have sworn that you saw him smile. Was this man actually THAT excited about possibly seeing your dog? He's just a regular dog.

Just then you realized that you had a stupid blank look on your face from thinking about why he would want to meet your dog. When he came back into focus you shook your head and spit out an answer:

"Oh of course. He's a good boy" you just love to embarrass yourself don't you.

You gathered your things and you both headed to the car...Were you driving him? Was he driving you? Are you driving home and he's going to follow you so you can take one car to...SHIT focus. Ok.

"Would you like to drive or would you like for me to drive and follow you?" He asked, your name rolled off of his tongue like honey. You pretended like you just didn't give this whole topic a good think over for the past five minutes on the walk to the parking lot.

"You can just follow me to my house if that's okay?"

He eyed you up and down. Did he expect you to change when you got home? Was your fashion too much for him? Well you did not care, he was the one that wanted to hang out with you, remember?

"I'm very good at following others directions. I'm parked over here. Just pull up and I'll follow you out" He raised his keys at you like he was showing you he could drive. Sick you can drive too.

Anyways, you walked over to your car, started it, and drove over to the area where Kylo said he parked and looked around for him.

He drove a 1955 Cadillac DeVille. Is this even real? Was today happening, or is it just a dream? Oh my hecking gods...Where did he get this money? So many questions raced through your mind.

You pulled up behind him and waved. He lifted his two fingers from the steering wheel and nodded his head. He then proceeded to follow you home.

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