Yes, Donghyuck is Mark's boss, as well as the whole recycling company of NCT's, preposterous as it might sound judged from their earlier exchange. If someone were to tell 18-year old Mark about the job he has now, he would flip. Mark was their high school valedictorian as well as Donghyuck, the high school icon dancer's roommate. They didn't exactly get along well, but fate had brought them together as boss and secretary, even if today he's just a chauffeur.

"What's taking you so long, Slowass? I gotta take a shower quick and get my beauty sleep! It's been a day and we got two more days to the weekend!" Donghyuck yelled from the car. 

Said Slowass sighed and properly drove him home while his boss puts on Michael Jackson on his Spotify. At this point, Mark has already known all of the King of Pop's sidetracks. NCT's CEO even has a framed MJ poster on his office's wall, fully making use of his authority as the boss.

He was using an iPhone and constantly nagged Mark to use the same phone as him. After that, he bought a Samsung just to match with Mark, but he'd always used Mark's charger that Mark buys him an iPhone again.

Mark sings along with Donghyuck to multiple songs, even songs that not many people know, like "Why You Wanna Trip On Me". If Mark can be honest, they're both pretty decent singers, until "Ben" was on then Mark thinks that Donghyuck is leagues above him. He almost pulls over just to appreciate Donghyuck's beautiful vocal. Mark just wants to open the windows wide and let everyone hear the stunning voice of Donghyuck.

Really, if he weren't such a big successful figure, Mark would've told him to be an idol like he used to say back in high school. Jaemin and Jeno were there too, but they were laughing while Mark was seriously considering it. 

He could see Donghyuck dancing while singing on stage, being on a variety show and rocking it because he's absolutely hilarious and endearing, wearing handsome clothes and interacting animatedly with fans. He would be accepted in an SM Saturday audition, Mark's sure.

(He's said that to the CEO once and he just deadpanned with a, "well then, you'll be an Uber driver. Good luck surviving Seoul with that salary."

"Shit, you're right. Wait, I'm Canadian. Maybe KBS will hire me as a foreigner."

"Maybe, you're pretty cute."

"Yeah- wait, what?")

"I used to say I and me, now it's us, now it's we."

Maybe Mark's imagining it, but his crush is looking his way when he sings that. And maybe he shouldn't be feeling romantic, because it was a song of friendship with a rat, but well, infatuation runs deep in his blood veins. They lock eyes for a second when the light turns green and Mark almost killed them both when he steps on the gas just a tad bit too fast.

"Mark oh holy fuck-!"

Thank God he steps on the brake just as fast. Only when they have gone on the road for like, 5 minutes, then his passenger reacts.

"You fucker, this car worths more than your yearly wage!" He slaps Mark's arm.

To Mark's credit, he didn't waver from the impact and continues to drive stably. He doesn't have the time to retort because Donghyuck proceeds with his complaining, "and we could have died!" as an afterthought.

The driver thinks of an excuse but couldn't find any, so he opts for the truth. "Sorry, I got distracted by your voice."

Mark says that so honestly that he surprises both himself and Donghyuck.

"Oh," Donghyuck says rather meekly, and if the lighting in the car is any brighter then Mark would be able to see a blush spangled across his face. "That doesn't justify you for almost murdering me, though."

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