Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ella {warning very disturbing}

Start from the beginning

"What can I do to not make her upset?" Jessica asks looking directly in his eyes. "One, don't yell at her, two, make sure you watch her at all times, three, keep Cotton preoccupied as a distraction from the Ace drama or something like that. It's best to be safe than sorry." Axel replies in monotone. Jessica knew where Axel was coming from but with the baby coming on the way, it'd be hard for Jessica to occupy Cotton and watch her at all times. It's easier said than done. "But how can I watch and occupy her with a baby on the way?" Jessica asks. She sure asks alot of damn questions.  Axel thinks to himself. "You have Jake? Your parents? And let's not forget Johnny." Axel responds. Jessica didn't like the idea of leaving her parents or Jake alone with Cotton while she took care of the baby and Johnny, she didn't want Cotton around him cause one thing could lead to another and bam Cotton's no longer a virgin and pregnant.

"I'm not leaving any of them with Cotton. One my parents are dealing with the Ace situation, two Jake beat her a few years ago and I'm not letting that happen. As for Johnny, I think he'd manipulate her into having sex with her and bam she'll be pregnant!" Jessica tells him. Axel grins. "Johnny couldn't get Cotton pregnant if he wanted to. Cotton's eleven and hasn't started her period. So I highly doubt Johnny would get Cotton pregnant." Jessica looks at him funny. "She's eleven, I thought she had periods. I started when I was eleven so did my sister and mum." Axel looks down and then up again. "No she may start at thirteen, our mum started at thirteen so did our aunts' and grandmothers'."  Axel tells her. Jessica nods before speaking. "So she's safe?"

Axel laughs. "Of course Cotton's safe. Besides she's a very intelligent girl why would she have unprotected sex knowing the consequences of it?" Jessica knew Axel was right. Cotton had a genius mind and if she were to have sex she'd protect herself from pregnancy. "I don't know. But I am worried that she's going to have sex before she hits twelve and I'm scared it will scar her for life." Jessica voices her concerns on the topic. Axel had his own concerns and agreed with Jessica on the sex situation. "The only way that child is having sex is if she's forced. And back to the one thing, let Johnny help. He I know loves Cotton to pieces." Axel tells her. Jessica felt uncomfortable letting her brother near Cotton. "I will think about it." She simply replies.


Jake was in the garden examining the beautiful flowers and scenery when he felt like someone was watching him. He looks in the direction of a stone shed which was filled with many beautiful and elegant stuff as well as supplies for the garden. Whoever took care of the beautiful place was very talented and artistic. He wondered who actually did take of this place. So he walks into the stone shed. As soon as he steps in, he feels a warm sensation fall over him. He felt safe and secure. He couldn't hear a sound from outside so it made the shed a lot more peaceful and lovely. He looks to a white painted shelf hanging on the stone wall. On the top were angels of marble with different colored spots in them but he notices one in particular with a small diamond heart necklace around the angel's neck. He lifts the necklace off the angel's neck and looks at it with wonder in his blue eyes. I wonder who this belongs to. He thought as he looks at the diamond which seemed fairly polished. It was clearly old and delicate. Which made Jake admire it more. Then a crashing sound from behind startles him. He drops the necklace onto another shelf. Thankfully it didn't go through the floor boards or it'd be lost forever. He turns around to see nothing but a white fluffy kitten with spots around her shoulders and eyes. Her eyes were a piercing green. She had a blue braided rope collar around her neck with a white blue crystal hanging from the middle. The kitten meows at him. He smiles. "Awe how beautiful are you?" He picks up the smallish kitten and begins petting her. He looks down to see she had knocked over some blue and green paints that were mixing together. The colors were creating a turquoise. A very beautiful turquoise.

Jake looks to the left wall to see beautiful, paintings, portraits, photographs, drawings, digital drawings and sketches hanging all over the wall. He looks down to see a very large desk with a gigantic sketch pad placed on it with blue and black pencils next to it. Lining up against the wall,  were teal pencil holders, a few pastel covered notebooks, black covered books, and a picture frame with a photo of a beautiful black haired, bright blue eyed girl with the same kitten he was holding. She must own the garden and the kitty. He smiles and takes a seat at the black Victorian chair. He takes a look around and sees a window. The window had wooden sealing and glass inside of the sealing. Jake could see the garden outside the window. He turns back to the desk. He grabs a very outstanding black book with golden letters written on it that said: The History of us.

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