Something Strange

Start from the beginning

"Daphne, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Help!" Daphne groaned.

"Timber!" Rainbow joked, with a laugh.

Everyone just glared toward her, which made her stop laughing.

"Oh come on, guys! Any pony in their right mind would've said the same thing!"

Rolling their eyes, the girls and their friends climbed out of their individual vases. Mary Jane, one of the only college students left, helped Daphne off the ground and slowly crept along following the creatures. They followed the trail which led them back to the ceremonial stage, as all the creatures walked toward the Skull entrance. Everyone peeks over a small hill, watching the creatures drag the students into the cave.

Twilight Sparkle could feel a stir and looked down, as Flurry wiggled in her grasp whimpering at the sight of the cave. She ran a comforting hand over the little foal's mane, trying to soothe her.

"Shh... It's alright, Flurry," Twilight reassured. "Auntie Twilight won't let those monsters hurt you."

Flurry smiled a bit toward her aunt, then turned over to Scooby Doo. Even though he was just as scared as Flurry, the Great Dane made one look toward the alicorn foal and knew he had to make her feel better. So he starts making funny faces, even waving his tongue about, but as quietly as possible. Seeing the big dog act silly, Flurry clap her little hoofs and giggled.

"Alright, I'm calling for help," Mary Jane announces, pulling out her cell phone.

"No, I got this," Daphne assured. "I got this..."

However, as Daphne turned back toward the cave entrance, a big stone door closed and sealed the entire entrance. Daphne's confident demeanor instantly shift to uncertainty, perhaps realizing they are over their heads this time.

"I don't got this!" Daphne admits.

"All right call for back-up," Twilight instructs Mary Jane. "But whatever you do: Don't say 'anything' about giant monsters; they'll never believe us."

Mary Jane nods as she dials the number for the Coast Guard, which happened to have a station just outside the island. They wait for a while as the phone rings, until they hear someone pick up immediately.

"Coast Guard, Fitzgibbon."

"Hello, sir. We're on Spooky Island. Our friends were..."

Mary Jane looked around toward the others, trying to figure out what to say. They just shrugged as they all didn't know how to describe their situation without mentioning 'monsters'. So Mary Jane had to improvise.

"... Kidnapped. We need someone here right away!" She finished.

"Well, we do have a unit in the vicinity. Can you meet them at the pier?"

"Uh huh!"

"Okay, they'll be right there."

With that settled, Mary Jane hung up the phone and faced the rest of the gang.

"So, what's the plan?" Twilight asked.

"The Coast guard will send a unit out right away," Mary Jane replied. "They told us to wait for them at the pier."

"Oh, I do hope they can help us," Fluttershy said, nervously.

"I just hope they're more useful than the guards back in Canterlot," Rainbow replied.

The girls again turned their face toward Rainbow Dash, giving a 'Really?' expression.

"I'll be quiet," Rainbow concludes.

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