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homosexual. sex has never really been an important factor in letjktla's life, as she's always been a little more occupied with managing the extensive military actions of skantar and trying to take over the galaxy, apart of her doesn't mind the act finding it, at least, physically pleasurable. make no mistake, she is not the one to have 'lovers' too cool, too busy for your romantic bullshit. but if she did, well it's practically a given letjktla has to have full control. coming from an ultra feministic society and raised and taught, in what her mind is the rightful truth, females being superior in every way to a male, she understandably, doesn't find herself attracted to them whatsoever.

two hands in the air yeah...

two hands in the air yeah

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the sadist


among the skantarian species, she is the epitome of good health and peak physical shape, scales healthy and clean, well muscled, sharpened fangs and claws and teeth, et cetera. by human standards, her true form is the face of fear, the stuff of nightmares. though really, she fails to see the appeal in humans at all, as they're all so squishy, vulnerable and kind of ugly as they're mostly hairless and altogether, scaleless. kind of boring and worthy of no note. though she suppose there are plenty of food supplies that don't look like much and end up being delicious. still, letjktla has done her research, making sure her i-cam form is relatively, attractive by human forms. when her i-cam is turned on, she appears to be a regal, elegant woman, despite standing at an average height of five feet four, there is something clearly commanding in her stick straight posture and the almost militaristic way of moving she has, slightly stiff yet hinting at hidden grace. her most notable 'human' traits are probably the darkened sculpted arch of her eyebrows, and the slightly aristocratic shaping to her features. 


amy jackson


make no mistake. there is nothing particularly 'humane' or redeemable about letjktla whatsoever, seemingly having 'no humanity.' but then again, she is the farthest thing from human so why let those silly ideas of morality define her? ruthlessly efficient and single minded when it comes to accomplishing a task, you can expect nothing but the best effort from former general letjcktla gylcb'zx and thus accordingly, she expects the best from those that work with or more likely, under or for her. letjktla has many flaws and while i wish i could say she's trying to work on them, nah, no she has learned to accept them, love them and move past that, self love what else can i say? however one of these flaws is definitely not slacking, back when she was general, she would always give a hundred and infinity percent into her battle campaigns and plans, even putting the same meticulous attention into space battles though she rather loathes them as a whole. there is nothing worth being proud of in her mind, sitting in metal vehicle and doing your fighting in there, where's the honor and more importantly, where is the exercise in that? however, she may dislike them, she would always try her best at them because letjktla is not the one to half ass anything. though her career path is slightly different now, she tries just as hard. 

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