Part 2

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A few weeks passed after Jangjun joined Geumdong high. A lot of 'Jangjun annoying the shit out of Juda' happened in those few weeks, but it annoyed the prankster that he hadn't gotten any reaction out of it whatsoever... Well.. of course he got reactions from the teachers for being so loud, but non from Yeo Juda. Whilst Juda was busy on her drawing for art class, Jangjun could be found at the back of the classroom with several girls swooning over him ( like usual). Jangjun's group Golden child was currently on a hiatus, just after they finished promotions for their song Genie. " You should sign up for the Christmas show!" "Yeah! It's an event the school hold for all 2nd years who are coming on the school trip to Jeonju!" A girl explained. "They'll hold activities the whole day, such as going on a treasure hunt and doing escape rooms! And at night We'll have a scary walk through the forest!" Nanhui said. "You're forgetting the best part! The next day all students will either make a dish and battle whoever sells the most food and at night the winner of the talent show will win that money which they can donate to a charity." Remi squealed. " If my company allows me, I most definitely will be there girls." The cheeky boy winked and excused himself. "You can draw." Jangjun said as he leaned over Juda's shoulder and grabbed her pencil out of her hand. " Looks expensive. " He raised his brows. " Just give it back." Juda sighed and tried to grab her pencil. "Nuh uh uh, Say something nice to me first." He grinned and pouted his lips. " Maybe if you had something nice about you, but unfortunately there isn't anything nice about you." "Ouch Juda,,, You'll have to do a little bit better than that~" Jangjun teased as he ran off with her pencil. 'o for god sake' Juda thought. "Juda, Jangjun! Where are you going? " The teacher yelled. "Oh well..."

" Wahhh Juda I thought you'd be quicker than that." Jangjun yelled while running away way too fast for Juda to keep up with. " Please, just give it back.." Juda stopped running and leaned against a wall to catch her breathe. "Jangjun,,, Are you teasing people again?" A boyish voice said from beside Juda. What was his name again? "Joochan-ah You're ruining our fun, right Juda?" Not being able to talk from being out of breathe Juda just shook her head. Joochan chuckled and held his hand out for Jangjun to give the pencil to him. "Aish I can't believe I even listen to you when you're younger than me." Jangjun said. "Here you go." Joochan handed Juda the pencil. It was silent for a bit, Juda eyed Jangjun who was now next to her. "Lee Jangjun.." She began which had him look up. " There's something I have to say." Jangjun's eyes widened a bit before she continues. " Don't touch my stuff you fucking idiot." She said before kneeing his balls and running off. Juda could hear Jangjun grunt and cry in pain, as well as a light chuckle from Joochan. " Deserve."

"Class dismissed." Sighs of relief could be heard from several students. Finally, 8 hours of school finally over! "Juda, wait up!" A tall figure appeared in front of Juda and all she could do was sigh, Jangjun when will you leave the girl alone??? " Are you going on the school trip?"

"No." For some reason this upset Jangjun, why wasn't she going? :(.
"Why not? You should come!!! I promise i'll be there." He raised his brows up and down and slightly chuckled. " Even more reasons for me not to go :)"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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