Chapter 2

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Soon enough, we were invited to a party by Victoria Leeds and it was getting dark so I decided to go home and get ready for bed.

I was walking down the stairs when I see Brody standing by the door so I went up and opened it.

"Let me guess. Need a place to stay?" I asked as he smiled and nodded.

"Hey, sweetie. Who's at the door?" Dad asked, walking down the stairs.

"Hey, Dad. It Brody. Turns out, he need a place to stay." I told Dad with a smile.

"Oh. Okay, go to bed. I got this. You got to get up early tomorrow." He said as he patted my shoulder, making me nod, heading back up to my room.


I didn't know Mitch was her father.

I started to chuckle, not making eye contact.

"This is you guys' house, isn't it?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah. This is, um... It's our house." Mitch said, with a smile as he looked around the house.

"Since you needed a place to crash, come on in." He said, moving aside before walking off.

"Just like CJ, always picking up strays." He said as he walked off, making me sigh before I walk inside and followed him to where I was going to crash.

"There's your cot and your sheets. Don't jack off on my sheets." He said, pointing to the sheets that were on the cot before walking off.

I was now laying on the cot, trying to sleep when the radio turned on. I tried to cover my ears but I could still hear it.

"Mitch. Can I please turn the C.B off in my room?" I asked.

"Jonas Brother, listen to me. Get your beauty rest. We're starting bright and early tomorrow." Mitch said through the com making me sigh in frustration.

Soon enough, I went to sleep.


I was working in the restaurant with Summer when Brody walked up to me.

"Wait, Y/n. Do you have time to study later?" He asked, making me turn around.

"Yeah, um... Did you just look at my boobs?" I asked,  looking down at my boobs and back up at him.

"I... was not my intention. I didn't, uh, stare directly at them." Brody said as he looked at them again.

"You're looking at them right now." I said with a chuckle.

"Now I did. Cause you're talking about them." Brody said before looking at them once more.

"Testing... oh, failed." I said, jumping up and down slightly before stopping.

"Oh my god. Well, we're gonna be in swimsuits a lot, so..."


"It's gonna be a problem for you.."

"There's not a problem for me. At all. Cool."

"Yeah. All right. You just looked at them again." I said, walking up to whisper it to him.

"No, I didn't. I was... I didn't..."

"Yeah, you did." I said with a smile before walking off.


I was with Summer when Dad issued a 10-73 so Summer and I started to run when Brody stopped me.

"Y/n? What's a 10-73?" Brody asked, as he leaned over the railing.


"Fire? What does that mean? In the ocean?"

"You need to start studying!" I told him as I got on a bike that Summer and Stephanie was waiting for me.

We all then got into a jet ski and started to ride it to where the fire was located.

When we got closer, the fire was so huge that it trapped the boat inside a circle.

I jumped in after Dad and started to look for any living victims.

"Oh, thank god. Are you guys the fire water people?" A lady asked Dad.

"Tell me where are your friends?"

"I don't know."

"Okay. You stay right here. Don't move, okay?" Dad asked as he opened the door for us to get in.

The fire got bigger and bigger when we hear a woman yelling for help.

"Help! Down here! Is anyone there?" A lady asked as we started to walk through the fire.

"We hear you! Get to the front of the boat! We're coming!" I yelled out to her as Dad told me to turn around.

"C.J!" Dad yelled then gave the girl that was waiting a life vest and threw her into the water.

"Help! Please!" The woman yelled as I went to where the girl was trapped.

"Dad! In here!" I yelled as Dad handed her his hand.

"Take my hand. Trust me." Dad said as she took his hand.

"Are you hurt?" I ask her as Dad picked her up.

"No. I'm okay."

"Hold on." Dad said as he threw her overboard.

I then see an unconscious man in the control space so I pointed to Dad where he was.

"Dad! There's someone in the control room!" I yelled as he ran up there to get him.

"Okay, Y/n. On three." Dad said with the man on his shoulders as he started to count down.

"1...2...3." We both jumped into the water right when the boat exploded.

We both swam wheee Stephanie was as Dad got the man into the boat.

He gave him a breathing tube to breathe and also started to do CPR.

"Hey, other than him. We did good, right? Like, we saved everyone." Brody asked.

"Yes. Including you." Stephanie said.

"I'm just saying, all things considered, things could've gone a lot worse."

"Is he going to be okay?" The lady asked.

"Do you know what happened to the Councilman?"

"No. I don't know. We were partying and when we were going up the stairs, the boat was already on fire." The lady said.

I was laying on the floor, on my side in pain since I burned my back from when the boat exploded.

"Y/n. Are you okay?"I hear Brody ask, running up to me as I groan in pain.

"Y/n? Talk to me? What's wrong?" Dad asked, now running up to my side.

"My back. It burns." I said, wincing.

Dad then turned me around to see the whole backside of the swimsuit was burned.

"You got burned when the boat exploded. What I want you to do is stay calm. We are almost at the beach." Dad assured as I nodded my head and waited for us to arrive at the beach.

Baywatch | Matt Brody x Reader ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora