“The fuck?” The girl got closer. “What are you, freak?”

“Please let me go don’t tell anyone just…” Tears kept rolling down her face. 

Wheein woke up, her chest rapidly going up and down like she ran a marathon, she was breathing hard, tears were threatening to roll down her cheeks, she was scared and confused...it was a nightmare, a flashback nightmare.

She sat down on the bed and looked around and everything was in place, she was in her room, she looked to the side and Hyejin was sleeping peacefully and completely unaware what about was going inside Wheein’s mind.  
Wheein was breathing normally at this point, seeing hyejin laying on her bed by her side made her heart calm it but not enough to the rush of anxiety go away.

Jung decided to try to go back to sleep. She laid down again and hugged Hyejin’s waist spooning her. Wheein nuzzled her hair inhaling her girlfriend’s natural essence mixed with the lavender body wash that Wheein used. Even after calmed a bit down it wasn't enough, she still could feel her heart pound in her chest, her head full of now intrusive thoughts thanks to the nightmare that still so vivid and real in her mind...it was so real, it was like she was living that day all over again.

Wheein rolled to the side and reached the floor with her arm trying to get her phone. She unlocked the screen, the brightness almost blinds her. She blinks a couple of times until her eyes finally focus and she’s able to look at the screen properly.

It was 2:56 am. Wheein sighed and tried to get out of bed making the minimum of noise to t wake her girlfriend up.

Hyejin shifted on the bed and woke up like she was feeling something was out of place. She didn't usually wake in the middle of the night but something made her wake up. With her eyes still closed, she palmed Wheein’s side of the bed and it was empty.
“Wheein?” Hyejin called opening her eyes and looking around the room. “Wheein-ah where are you?” the girl sat on the bed and saw that the bathroom light was on.

“Wheeinie are you okay?”Hyejin got out from bed and walk to the bathroom door and she wasn't expecting that she caught Wheein with the hand on the act.

The girl froze on the spot. She looked in the direction that the voice was calling her. Suddenly she felt guilty, her eyes looked at hyejin like she was committing the worst of the crimes. Her throat bobbed with an almost audible gulp. Putting her hand down, she kept looking at the girl on the door.

Hyejin crosses her arms and leans against the door frame.
“Are you having a mental breakdown?”

Wheein’s mouth opened and close a few times like she was trying to find words to answer her girlfriend. Ahn rose an eyebrow waiting for a response.

“How...How do you know…?”

“Babe cmon its three in the morning and you're getting bangs!” Hyejin pointed to Wheein’s freshly cut bangs. The shorter girl looked down the sink that now was filled with the chunks of hair she cut herself with some craft green scissors

“Come on wash your face and let’s go back to bed and tomorrow you clean it, what about it?”
Wheein agreed.

Hyejin waited until the girl washed all the small pieces of hair stuck to her face.

Ahn smiled looking at the girl walking her way, she held onto her hand guiding both to the bed again. Hyejin laid down and made the older girl lay on top of her, she kissed Wheein head while she made herself comfortable.

Hyejin hugged her tighter trying to make the girl less tense.
“Wanna talk about it?” 
She asked. A short silence followed until Wheein spoke up.

No more secrets - Wheesa (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now