Me Against the Law

Start from the beginning

Trying to get this girls number, I wanted to say.

"Sorry. What did you say?" I asked him trying to look considerate. "Our next meeting. Next week." He said. I nodded my head. He looked at his watch and said, "I've gotta run. My wife is going to kill me. I forgot it was our anniversary today." He said. "Ooooh, good luck!" I said. "Thanks." He said and left. He left money on the table. The waiter arrived with the drinks. I smiled at her and she blushed. She ran away quickly giggling.

The mysterious women sat opposite me now. "Hey" she said. "Hi" I replied smiling. "I couldn't help but come over here." She said. I chuckled, "Yeah I can come off as irresistable sometimes." I joked around. She laughed. I smiled. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Angelica." She said. Her voice was low and sweet. "Nice name for an angel like you." I said, leaning forward. She smiled and looked down again.

I realised that she was actually blushing. This made me smile.

She also leaned down onto the table. Our faces so close I could just lean over and kiss her. "Thank you DeAndre." She said. And smiled. I looked into her green eyes. I wasn't shocked she already knew my name. I'm sure everyone else in this shop knew my name as well. She looked back into my eyes. "You have the most wonderful blue eyes. Do you know that DeAndre?!" She told me. I chuckled. And leaned back on my chair. She sat back as well. I took a sip of my coke.

"So you have a thing for that waiter?" She asked me. I looked at her as though she were crazy. "No, no." I said, "Just making her feel good about herself. Giving her something to talk about." I said matter-of-factly. She smiled and nodded. "Aaah I see." She said, "You like leading girls on." She finished. It took me a moment to process what she said. I looked at her. "NO!" I nearly shouted, "I mean, no! I'm not like that." I explained myself, "I'm not a jerk. I'm actually a really nice guy." I completed.

I hope she doesn't think otherwise.

She looked at me dubiously and nodded. "If you say so." She said and looked at the Eiffel Tower. She doesn't even know me yet and I'm already screwing this up. She probably thinks I'm a jerk. She looked at the dainty watch on her wrist. She took out a pen and paper from her bag, wrote something on it and gave it to me. She  said, "Call me at 7:30 sharp." She walked out the shop.

Well, that was a rather good outcome.

Sitting in my apartment I start flipping through channels and making the occasional glance at the time. She said 7:30 sharp. The time showed 7:29. I dialled her number and waited the extra minute. It felt like ages before the number changed.


I pressed the call button. It rang about twice. "Seven thirty on the dot." Her voice said on the other line. "Yeah.." I chuckled and trailed off. "Punctual aren't you?!" She said rhetorically.

Was she really testing me?!

I felt a surge of nerves run through me. "Hello?" I heard her say. "Hey." I said. "I thought you'd hung up." She said and luaghed. "No," I said, "When can I see you again?" I asked her. "How about next week sometime." She said spontaneously, "I'll just have to fit you into my schedule."

Schedule?! Well, she's organised.

"Next week, next week..." I trailed off. Next week I have a meeting with Kyle. I'm sure I could just make this plan and then make Kyle's meeting another day. "Sure, I'm free the whole week. Let me know which day." I said. "How about Tuesday at 6:30?" She asked. "Perfect." I said. "It's a date." She confirmed. I smiled. "Its a date." I said smiling.

We spoke some more last night after that, till late. Her voice was amazing and I couldn't get her apperance out of my mind. She was an angel. Kyle had arranged the meeeting for next week friday, but that was the least of my worries. I was more excited for tuesday.

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