Chapter 1: If Only...

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Museme POV:

I walk up to the rooftop this is right after I went to the bathroom and after we bullied Horuda, "Holla girls!" I greeted them. "HOLLA!", they all said.  We started with our daily gossip...usually we talk about juicy rumors we hear about our victims like Horuda for an example..."Hey girls have you seen that slut Horuda, dating lots of older-men?", Kashiko said...she's usually the one who knows all kinds of juicy gossip cuz of the hate blog she has online. Usually when it comes to our gossip we just "slut-shame" whoever it is about and bully them if its someone in our school, I always get excited for new gossip, cuz I get more attention...hehehehehe...

End of Museme's POV..

Horuda POV:

*sighs* those girls I hate them so much, that I finally urged up the courage to stand up to them...but it wasn't enough to make them stop from clapping the erasers over my head...*sighs* I'm just useless aren't I? I don't deserve to live...I just wish I was dead now...*sighs* I can't die yet I have to live up to my dream of becoming a writer and I have to serve myself justice from Museme...but what if I can't do that *sighs*...I wish I can be more confident and stronger...maybe I should ask my only friend...Uekiya...

I walk to the gardening club looking for her, I see her, "Hi Uekiya", I greeted her. She turns around to see me and says hello back to me...I then ask her "Uekiya tried using your advise and I stood up to them but they kept clapping the erasers anyway.", she gave me a sad grin and said "oh dear...well at least you tried  and proved your bravery.", "I just wish I was more confident with more people and I wish I knew how to fight!", I said. "How about you try joining the Martial Arts club?" she asked, "well...the members all seem scary too me...especially Matsuda-Senpai.", "Horuda I know Matsuda he's actually very nice and isn't what you think he is, plus I've mentioned him to you before and he actually wants to help you." she replied back. As I was about to say something the bell for class time rang.

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