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Raven POV:
I went to bed that night, me and Damian planned to keep an eye on Terra, I have to be honest I don't expect anything to be off about Terra, she has been through so much. I mean, maybe we are being to paranoid, she has come back from the dead which is interestingly unusual, however anything is possible. I turned the light off and tucked myself into the warm blanket set on my bed. I closed my eyes and thought of a happy place, hoping for once god would give me a nice dream. I switched off connecting to my mind and my fathers. "Another night, but no light. Witch." I felt the gem on my forehead glow, I couldn't see it but I connected to it, the connection was stronger when I slept. "Hello father. Come to criticise me again?" I mumbled. "Oh child, such a fool! I don't criticise you! I bully you for your weakness, you are a failure of a daughter." He snapped making me sweat, I feel ill hearing his unpleasant remarks. "No shit! I have always been a failure to you father!" I cried moving around in my blanket. I woke up, placed my hand on my face and turned the light back on. "Why can't I fucking sleep!" I sighed and walked out of my bedroom. I strolled in the dark, the tower was dark and empty. I walked past Damian's room and opened his door. He was asleep and I didn't want to disturb him, so I slowly crawled inside his bed, and rapped my arms around him like a teddy bear. Slowly I fell asleep feeling comfortable and my anxiety drifted away. But I ended up in another nightmare, this time it didn't involve my father. I was standing in a strange place. It was like somewhere different. Like it wasn't on earth. It was familiar but unrecognisable. "Welcome to Azarath," I heard a voice, it was low and masculine and demonic. But it wasn't my father. "Hello?" I asked nervously. "We meet for the first time." His voice was like an eco. "Azarath was destroyed and exists no longer." I sighed. "This is Azarath." He replied. "What? This isn't Azarath, Azarath was destroyed by my father. Who are you?"
I suddenly realised why it felt familiar. "We haven't met before, let me introduce myself..." I looked around, the planet I stood on was burgundy and the sky was dark, the air was dry and the buildings were still destroyed, I saw weird creatures roaming in the background. "I don't understand, what are they?" I took in the atmosphere before returning my glance to the sky, where the voice was coming from. "This planet is Azarath, but new and improved, this is the home for monsters, like you and I."  A figure came down from the sky, matching my level on the ground. It was a boy, he looked like a teenager. "I'm Grackle, nice to finally meet you..." he walked towards me, I stared at him with confusion. "Your just a..." I began. "Boy." He finished. "Like you, I have the appearance of a mortal." I fell silent thinking on what to say. "You are like me?" I asked as my eyes were refreshed  by another glance off the surroundings in Azarath. "We are very alike." He smiled and took my hand. "I thought I would never meet you." I gulped at his lingering creepiness. "Who are you?" I moved my hand out of his, feeling uncomfortable. "I'm your twin brother..." he stared into my eyes, I looked at his face seeing the resemblance of black hair and purple eyes. "What?" I was speechless. "You are my twin sister." He stepped back giving me space. "I don't understand, I am the only child." He smiled again looking at me like he was reunited with family. "They never told you about me? I was taken away by my father, my whole life I grew up here, alone. I recently discovered your existence." I looked at my feet, fiddling with my thumbs. "This isn't true, I never had a brother! You are lying!" I shouted and fell to my knees paralysed. "If i were, how do we look so alike? How would we both know this planet? Think about it and place the pieces of the puzzle together. Trigon never wanted us to meet. He separated us, and now I can meet you face to face and connect to you through your mind. I wouldn't know how to do that if we weren't bonded by blood and genetics." He kneeled beside me and pulled my chin up with his finger. "We have the same abilities." My sight got blurry and his image faded as I slowly re-gained consciousness. "We belong here, together." I woke up panting for air. Damian was admiring me, leaning on his arm. He smiled as I fully woke. "Are you alright? I found you in my bed, beloved." He smirked as I sat up. "Sorry, I couldn't sleep so I slept with you." I muttered embarrassedly. "No worries, I enjoy your company." He flirted. "I do to boy wonder..." he pulled me in for a kiss and placed his hands around me. "Nightmares?" He asked curiously. "Something like that." I laughed enjoying the moment. "Well, you can sleep with me any time." His grin grew looking into my eyes. "Oh?" My sarcasm made him feel I was hard to get, I can tell my flirting was similar to his. "Any time." He kissed me again, it was a small peck on the lips. We got out off his bed and I helped him pull the covers over. "You were panting, and  moving around last night, are you shore you are alright?" He asked as I patted the squashed pillows. "Yes, I'm fine Damian, I had a nightmare last night, but being with you makes them so much better!" His frown disappeared at my compliment. We walked downstairs to greet the team. I put the kettle on to make myself a fresh cup of earl grey tea, "Raven!" Damian called making me almost drop the tea cup. "What is it?" I shouted back walking to the lounge. The hole team was there, even Constantine. "What are you doing here?" I asked "Raven, we need to talk." Constantine replied.

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