Welcome to Class 3-E

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The entire room was silent.

None of us dared to make a sound.

My hands fidget atop my desk as a bead of sweat crawls down my skin.

Outside the room, there's a loud crashing sound, as if a meteor made a crash landing.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

A few of the kids around me do the same because we know that was no meteor.

I make eye contact with the boy sitting next to me.

His eyes reflect my emotions perfectly.

Fear and excitement.

I give him an encouraging nod, which he returns and focuses forward again.

The door slides open.

The roll book is placed on the front desk, "Alright, people, let's get started, shall we? Class monitor if you would do the honors."

The blue-haired boy in the row in front of me stands, "Right. Ready."

In a second the entire class is standing with our guns drawn and pointing at the tentacled creature before us.

"Aim. Fire!"

We all open fire and a hail of pink BBs is unleashed.

"Oh my. Well, I'll just call roll while you children wear yourselves out."

One by one the creature calls our names and one by one we call out "here" all while constantly shooting and reloading our guns.

The entire class runs out of bullets just as he's finishing roll call, without a single missing student.

"No tardies! Congratulations!" the octopus informs us with what I can only guess is a thumbs up.

It's hard to tell when he only has two fingers on each hand.

I slump back into my chair as he lectures us about how our assassination attempt lacked originality.

After a reminder about how the weapons we use are specially designed to only harm the octopus and not humans, class begins.

Disheartened by our failed assassination attempt, I rest my head on my hand, not really paying attention to the lesson. Instead, I look out the window next to me and stare at the strange shape in the sky.

"Check it out, Nagisa, the moon's up during the day. Neat, right?" I hear Kayano whisper to the boy beside her.

It's true the moon is up during the day, but that wasn't even the strangest part. You see, for the foreseeable future, the moon will be a permanent crescent and the octopus currently trying to teach us, he's the one that blew it up.

Suddenly, there's the sound of a gunshot.

Rio Nakamura stands in the center of the room with her gun drawn, unfortunately, the octopus caught the BB in a piece of chalk before it could touch him.

She's sent to the back of the room for breaking the "no gunfire in class" rule.

How does he expect us to kill him if we can't even shoot during class? 

After a few more lessons, that I barely pay attention to, the lunch bell rings.

"Excuse me while I pop over to China for a quick bite," the octopus says as he opens a window, "Any killers feeling especially trigger-happy are free to call me anytime." And with that he's gone, soaring at Mach 20 to his favorite take-out place.

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