Start from the beginning

Sinb was mesmerized by the girl presence she can't take away her gaze to her..

But to her surprise the girl is also looking at her..

The song ended and sinb needs to say her farewell..

" thank you everyone have a safe trip.." and she exited the stage. The manager glared at her while crossing his arms.

" oh come on.. they are my fans!!" She said

" I didn't say anything sinb.. but next time make sure that we will stick to our schedule." With that they went to the parking lot.. to go to their next gig.

Sinb is now sitting at the back seat ..
Her manager phone ring.

" yeah, okay.. sure.." then he turned to sinb
" luckily your show got cancelled. The organizer inform me that there was an accident in the event. So it means that this is your last event for this year"

I just nodded..

" do you want to go somewhere?" He asked

" can i drive alone? I wanted to go my sanctuary? " his manager think for awhile.

" well, okay but make sure you drive safely." He reminded the singer.

" sure..!!" Then she drive away to the staff.

There is a place that came into her mind..

She step on the accelerator..
and drive freely.. on the highway.

After 3hrs of driving she arrived to a beach house in DAEcheon .

She smiled brightly.. sinb loves the sea..
Beach can help her relieve her stress.
" finally.." she grab her back pack.. and went to the beach house she reserve before coming there.

She opened the door.

She's expecting to see the owner waiting for her inside.

" oh, your here.." the owner said

" hello, how have you been"

" stop calling me sinb-ah! Your making me feel old!" Sowon complain

" your older than me so .. your old" she teased
" i want to rest you can go out now"

" actually we had alittle problem." Sowon said while smiling awkwardly to sinb

Sinb frown.. and cross her arms

" you see.. uhmmm my staff made a mistake today. Someone already book this place.."

Sinb raised her right eyebrow..

" uhmm and since there are two rooms in here.. im thinking if you two can share this house? " she suggested

" no way.. i will stay to your house" sinb said

" hmm the thing is.. eunha is in my house you see its our anniversary and we love having privacy. And knowing the two of you. I don't want to see my house burned by your cold war" sowon explained.

SINRIN: I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONEWhere stories live. Discover now