[C2] Shoot

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A/N: Camping? More like Survival the Zach Nolan the killer.

Content warnings: Implied murder, Violence, death, choking, and narm, 


Zach looks at the now-destroyed campsite in confusion.

He was extremely confused [and upset].

How did they manage to survive all of those explosives?!

Where the hell was the fairness in that?

Argh! This group was more frustrating than the others he has killed. Especially that damn park ranger.

Frick him for being stupid and oblivious.

No matter...

He has a plan B, which is finishing them off anyway, that is if the campers don't shoot Daniel.

Speaking of which, one of the campers already had her gun pointed at Daniel.


"W-what are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry, Daniel, but there's too much evidence stacked against you..."


All of the campers looked at Daniel's corpse.

"...I stand by my decision. Daniel was the only one missing during the attack on us the first night. He has also disregarded when we told him about what happened, and he was the only one in the blue tent during the rain, which means that he WAS the murderer."

"Now we can sleep safely tonight!" Creek celebrates

"I-I don't want to sleep near a dead body! We should sleep in the cabin tonight before leaving." Wagon stammers.


Zach smiles.

Those idiots...

Daniel wasn't the murderer.

But, his plan is coming along the way he expected it.

Daniel was the barrier keeping him from killing those campers, but he also put them in a false sense of security (while also making them skeptical of him, leaving Zach to fly under the radar).

Eliminate the head, and the rest will follow...


While the campers were sitting around the campfire, they noticed some rain and went inside the cabin.

Due to the cabin being old, it collapsed under the force of the rain and wind, leaving the campers out in the rain.

"These buildings can't withstand a rainstorm. We should take shelter in the hole for tonight." Engineer says, guiding them to The hole.

Once they made it in, Creek says that she forgot the rope, sitting down in shame.

"One job..." Internet deadpans.

"Well, we can't just rot away here, so why not find another way out?"

After the rock door opened, everyone sprinted to find a way out of the maze.

After everyone made their way out of the maze, they did a small headcount.

"Where is Engineer?"

"Should we come back for him, or should we-"

InternetAddict was cut off by screaming and stabbing.

"S-should we check???"

"M-maybe not... I don't know if we c-can help..." Creek stammers.

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