Chapter 1: Work as Usual

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I wake up to the sun lazily greeting me through the tiny spaces in between my blinds. I get up and ruffled my hair that was slowly growing down to my shoulders.

"Another day at the library." I whispered to myself to get me going.

I loved the library ever since I was a little kid. I would come there every single day to read about fairy tales and such. Once I grew older, I took up becoming a historian and now I work in the library, looking for reference books to sort.

I got out of bed to start up my coffee maker. Once I knew it was brewing, I got my uniform and took a shower.

I soon got out of the shower and dried my shoulder-length hair. I tied it to a low ponytail. I wore my long-sleeved shirt and put on my vest. My bowler hat completed the usual uniform I had to follow so I could be distinguished from regular working staff.

I got back to the coffee maker and turned it off. I grabbed my favorite cup and poured the coffee in. I poured around 3 teaspoons of sugar and also some creamer in. I read the newspaper as I drank the hot coffee.

Living in a small town named Moncheri doesn't give any big news everyday, it's occasional lottery results which no one really wins and stories made up by folks who want a feature.

I finished up my coffee and washed the mug. I brushed my teeth and left to go to the library using my bike.

I biked through grass and flowers, a path was created recently to make passage easier, and it really helped me out. I greet some people as I went, the kids were going to the local public school and other people were out and about with their daily routine and chores.

Soon enough, I reach Moncheri Public Library, the second place I consider "home".

"Good morning, Badger!" my workmate, Aimee, greets me. She works the front desk and the directory. She checks out books and fines overdue books.

"Good morning, Mie. Why do you call me Badger anyway?" I ask her out of my curious instinct. "Well, it sounds similar to your name, Badjao, Badger!" she smiles. I laugh. "Okay okay, now where are the books that were returned recently? I might find something to put into the references catalog."

"Here they are! Have fun, it has a lot of books." she puts a crate of books on her desk front. I grabbed it with both hands and nodded for thanks. I go to my small office and began to skim and scan through all the books.

As I progressed through the day, I opened a book with a faint orange tint for a cover, but it didn't have a title. A piece of paper fell out of it.

I picked it up, assuming it would be a page worn loose. However, it was a pasty white paper with the words "Don't put this back on the shelf." scribbled on it. I was curious to read it later, so I put it in my messenger bag.

I grabbed the stack of books to be put back into their shelves and collections. I returned to my office and also classified books for references.

The day settled, Aimee was usually the last to leave the library.

"Badger? You sure you're closing the library for tonight?" she asks as she peeked in my office.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I reply.

She smiles. "Goodnight, see you tomorrow!" she waves. I wave back.

Soon as I figured she left, I locked up the library and closed the windows.

I went back to my office and opened up the book.

I mean, what could go wrong?

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