chapter 2

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After Prince tendou found out the news he was sent out to a training camp to help his claw skills (for he had always relied on the sword.). He was trained by the mighty training camp instructor ushijima. His practice took months, it was full of non stop training with only 3 meals a day, 10 hours of sleep, and his own bare claws. But he would do anything to protect his Prince and the people of the land, he fought for what was right , and that was happiness. He began walk to the prince's palace when he stumbled upon somthing, a huge rock. Sir.gibblets, being extreamly tierd from all the training he has been doing sat down. Sir.giblets heard a loud roar and looked around to see the most horrible thing he has ever seen, a bad vibe with anxiety. He remembered his training and tried as best as he could but he couldn't do it alone. He skrrrt back to the palace and alert the prince of the bad vibe, and anxiety and he stood up, a fearless look on his face as he grabbed his own sword and ran out of the castle.

"PRINCE TENDOU PLEASE WAIT!!" He called out, but it was to late, Prince was already out of palace grounds.

Sir.gibblets chassed after Prince tendou and he arrived to the bad vibes and saw Prince fighting the horrific monstrous vibes. He joined in the fight and together Prince tendou and him defeat the bad vibes and anxiety.

Ok chapter 2. Ight ima head out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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