chapter 2

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...he whispered to me but I pretended to not hear him untill...

Jack:hey I know you heard me.

You:yeah I did

Jack: then why don't you answer me.

You: because I don't want to now fuck off.

Jack: damn I'm just trying to be nice.

You: I don't need anybody but myself you stay away from me.

-then out of nowhere he grabbed my thigh-

You: wtf is your problem -i said but I honestly liked it-

Jack: you liked it *wink*


Teacher: hurry up.

-i honestly just wanted to get out of there, so i just walked around the school-

New text message:
From: unknown
You liked it😉

To: unknown
Who TF is this?

From: unknown

To: unknown
How did you get my number.

I took your phone while you were doing your work, you should really put a password, and also if your gonna take pictures in your panties make sure you put them in my eyes only😉😂

To: jack🙄

from: jack🙄
Don't worry about it gtg byEEE

To: jack🙄
I hate you.
-he saw those fucking pictures, he can't see me the same after that, I'm freaking out what if he shows the to the whole school?-
~~~~~after school~~~~~
-its been a sucky day honestly things can't get any worse*rock hits window* um wtf was that-

Jack: hey cutie open up.

You: what do you want.

Jack: to come inside so come open this door.

You: ughh.
*Goes to unlock door*

You: okay what do you want srsly.

Jack: im bored

You: there's nothing to do here so.

Jack: let's go on a walk *grabs your hand*

- at that moment my heart dropped, his hands were so soft, he smelt like cinnamon, I don't know what was going on with me, did I like him or not-
          ~~Jack's pov~~
When I took her hand I could tell she was shocked, I don't think she expected it but I think I might like her but I don't want to ruin things so I want to become friends with her first-

You: so where are we going.

Jack: there's this place 4 minutes away that I want to show you.

You: okay ig.

Jack: hey I'm I just want to let you know that you can trust me with anything and I'll be here for you.

You: yeah yeah I know I can just shut up.

Jack: okay *does puppy eyes*

You: Nooo you can't do that to me.

Jack: sowwy.

You: whatever I wanna go home now.

Jack: aw okay well I'm staying at your house.

You: ugh fine whatever just don't bother me.
     - At your house -

You: I'll be back I'm gonna take a shower and change.

Jack: k.

-i feel kinda uncomfortable with him here bc my pajamas are all revealing but I'm hoping he dosent care.

-i feel kinda uncomfortable with him here bc my pajamas are all revealing but I'm hoping he dosent care

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I'll put this on after my shower.
         - after shower -
Jack: are you almost do-

*As your walking to sit down*

You: what.

Jack: n-nothing um where's your bathroom.

You:In the hall first door to the left
-that was akwark add and he was trying to cover his- EWW NOW I GET IT WTF-

jack: I'm b-back sorry.

You: no worries, I'm gonna put a movie on okay?

Jack: okay*moves next to you*

You: uh.

Jack: sorry is it okay if I sit next to you.

You: yeah sure.
      ~~~Time skip~~~
  *You fall asleep on him while watching the movie*

     - Jack's pov -
While we were watching the movie I noticed she fell asleep on me when that happened I knew that I and catching feelings. I didint wake her bc she sleeps like a baby and she looks so cute but I whispered to her I love you quietly so she didint hear-

       ~~time skip~~
Mom: I'm home!

Jack: oh um h-hi I'm sorry I should go.

Mom: your fine stay as long as you like!

Jack: oh okay.

Mom: so are you jack?

Jack: yeah.

Mom: Ivana talkes about you alot how your really nice and cute and don't tell her I said this but she said she kinda likes you *winks*.

Jack: wait really?

Mom: mhm just be careful with her she has a fragile heart.

Jack: okay I will.

Mom: feel free to stay the night okay?

Jack: okay I think I will, is there like a guest bedr-

Mom: hon don't worry about it your sleeping with Ivana.

Jack: oh uh okay sounds good then

Mom: okay goodnight

Jack: goodnight
         *You wake up*

You: oh my gosh um I'm so sorry i-

Jack: it's okay don't worry about it.

You: okay fine then

Jack: anyways I'm your mom said I could stay sooooo.

You: no way.

Jack: yes way sorry and she said I'm staying in your room.

You: ughh whatever fine...


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