I'll Follow the Sun, a Tegalise fanfic

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The insistent buzzing of Annalise's doorbell was the sound she'd been dreading all night. "Fuck." She knew exactly who was on the other side of the door, and she knew exactly why that person was there.

" She knew exactly who was on the other side of the door, and she knew exactly why that person was there

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"Dining room table," Annalise said before Tegan could start yelling at her. Tegan shoved past Annalise and stormed into her condo. Moments later, Tegan came back into the living room, her hands filled with a vase full of red, yellow and pink roses. "Where's the card?" she demanded. No greeting, no explanation, nothing else.

Annalise tried to sound innocent. "What card?"

"The card that came with the flowers, Annalise. Where is it?"

Annalise shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I dropped it." Right in the trash can, she added silently.

"You dropped it, huh?" Tegan up her cell phone, "Well, lucky for me that a copy of the card was sent to my email address, isn't it?"

Damn it! This revelation meant that Tegan had known about the elaborate bouquet sent to Caplan and Gold all day. She knew that Annalise must have signed for it - Tegan had been in a meeting for hours - and she was waiting for Annalise to bring it up. Tegan had even asked Annalise during lunch if she'd gotten anything in the mail, and Annalise told her no. Tegan just nodded, knowing all the while that Annalise had lied to her. "It's not like I could read the card," Annalise sulked. "It's in Spanish. I can't read Spanish."

"But you knew enough Spanish to hide it from me, didn't you?" Tegan pressed.

Indeed, she did. Annalise barely understood the words written on that card, but she knew what 9:00 meant, and she knew that name of the expensive restaurant Estia. And most important, she knew the name Cora. "You know if you were any one of my other employees, I'd have you fired, right?" Tegan demanded.

"Good thing I'm not one of your other employees, then." Annalise knew she was pushing it, but her shoulder still hurt from lugging the heavy, expensive vase filled with three dozen roses all the way to her car. But she'd done it anyway, shoving the hated flowers in her trunk and driving them home. Annalise knew it would get back to Tegan somehow, or maybe she would have told Tegan herself. She just needed to wait until after 9:00 to inform Tegan of her ex-wife's dinner invitation at one of the most expensive restaurants in all of Philadelphia.

It was a quarter to eight.

"Annalise," Tegan said, trying to make Annalise understand the seriousness of this breach of privacy. "When I made you my registered agent, it was under the impression that you could be trusted. That I could count on you to get to letters and packages that I might not be present to receive, and that you wouldn't read my mail even if it was just a card on some flowers-"

"I told you," Annalise cut in. "I couldn't read it."

"It's not about the damn card. It's about respecting my privacy - and not stealing my stuff, for that matter." Tegan found herself growing frustrated at Annalise's unapologetic behavior. "These are mine, not yours! Who are you to keep them away from me?"

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