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Japan's pov /point of view

Germany has declared we will visit SEA, I-im just afraid. Just remembered about invading South East Asia, I'm Asian but how will they think of me now .
Asia~Italy pleaded. Hey, Japan isn't it exciting to see your Asian friends again, eh-.... j-japan!! What in the world is going on!!!! Italy panicked
Would they remember who I was last time!!!?!!I said. Im really really nervous and afraid. Japan!! Stop overreacting!! :( ..... I ran to my room and huddled with my blanket while sulking.. (A/n aka authors note, Poor Japan, he's nervous can y'all give him hugs and sushi)

The next day,....

Third persons pov

After that day, Japan, Germany, Italy, America, and UK went to their flight and arrived at Mareshia (Malaysia but in Japanese) They booked a hotel an had an amazing 1 hour of comfortable hours. Italy went running around the hotels halls, America doing prank calls to his brothers, UK drank tea.. Like usual ,Germany just has his face in his pillow because he's tired sitting on a chair waiting for a comfy hours to arrive .Japan just chilling in the bathroom having his long hours soaking in warm water peacefully. Germany got message that Asean invited them for a party, a formal one.
Everyone got ready ,everyone wore formal clothes for the party. Surprisingly, the party is hosted down the hotel It is at the ballroom in the hotel. Who knew?

Japan's Pov

I accompanied America, but he was quite embarrassing, I have to say. So when America is embarrassing himself I saw a girl who look tall but actually quite short, her hair was tied up and she was talking with her friend I guess. I noticed that she has a crescent and 14 pointed stars, that is when I realized she's Mareshia-san. As I was staring at her, she noticed me starring at her, so she stared back. I looked away quickly.

Malaysia's Pov

Wait.. Is that Abang Jepun!! Oh my goodness, It's been forever since I met him!! I'm his childhood friend :). (btw this is a new au I made so yeah)
I'm going to go greet him!!

Back to Japan's Pov

Wait, Nani!! Abang Jepun!!! 💗💗💓Mareshia-san said. Im so glad to see you!! Yeah, Mareshia-san . It's been years I've seen you. Wow, you've grown an inch 😂. Hah!? Really, I never knew that. Hey, hey, hey dudes. America shouted. Woah, aren't you Malaysia?And you USA, Mareshia-san said.... Ahhhhh!!!! Brother!! Lil sis!! OK what's going on? Japan, me and America are siblings, well actually im adopted,Mareshia -san said. Nani!! America why didn't you tell me about this!? Umm, I probably forgot? Cis, Kenapa abang Ame sangat bodoh!? (Why is Brother Ame stupid!?) Hey!? What do you mean!? :( Nothing :) After that, we came along drinking and partying except me...We all went back to our room ,changed and slept.

I'm done for the first one guys!! Hehe yeah,OwO .

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