Chapter 2

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    I am immediately transported and surprised at what I see. This place is not like Ceraco, it looks way different there are no bearded men, no flying children. No one was dressed in a robe and most importantly the sky was very blue unlike Ceraco.

"Get out of the fucking way you freak"

I am immediately snapped out of my survey as I see a magic that I have never seen before. It was a wierd magic indeed as it moved on four's. Not knowing what to do, I stand I begin to stare wondering what this creature can perform. Yet again I am snapped out of my thoughts as a young female drags me out of the way. She has long brown hair and she is very beautiful indeed.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed? And what are these ridiculous clothes?

I have been taught this in my first year of wizard school trying to fit in with the naturals. I had to respond fast and also keep my identity as I search for ghe chosen warlock.

"Uhmmmm sorry my clothes were stolen" I lamely respond hoping that she won't ask anymore questions.

"Awwwwn you cute little thing let me give you some clothes that you can wear. A couple of guys moved out of my frat house and left some of their belongings. Im sure they have some clothes that will fit you.

"Thank you I am forever in your debt". I begin to ponder on what I just said because she begins to give me a very strange look.

"OMG you are so funny I hope you almost being hit by that car didn't fry your brain. Come on let's change that outfit of yours"

The house is almost empty as we walk into a room with a bed and a closet. The girl opens the closet and draws out some strange clothes. Something that looks like a sky blue shirt and a black outfit that I'm sure you can put your two legs in.

"Hurry up dress up I will be waiting just outside the door."


I hesitantly drop my bag and begin to tackle the outfit. It took sometime before I got it but I finally got it and opened the door to find the girl waiting outside for me.

"Took you long enough, wow you have the cutest eyes."

I know that my eyes are light green and some female warlocks back home were attracted to me but I've never felt that way towards a girl before.

She continues to compliment my features as she leads me back into the room.

"Ummm hi I'm Tiffany."

She introduces herself with a very beautiful smile that brightens up het face.

"Yeah hi I'm Dylan"

"You don't look like you are from around here."

"No I'm not" I reply hoping that she won't ask any more questions about my background.

"Uhmmm ok " she says holfing in her hand a comb and some liquid in a cylindrical bottle like container.

"Let's get your hair done cutie"

As she begins to apply the liquid from the container on my brown hair, I begin to think about tje new things I've seen on earth. For the first time in my life, I saw a car and I know now that it is very dangerous.

"Done" Tiffany says as she turns the mirror to face me so I can see my reflection.  I am rather pleased with my new appearance.

"Do you have any place to stay?"

"No I don't" I answer sounding rather desperate."

"I mean you could stay here and there is plenty of food and space."

Her invitation is rather too sudden but I'm pleased and she begins to move closer to me.

"Thanks a lot you. ......I am immediately stopped by heŕ warm lips on mine. Not knowing what to do, I stamd there frozen like a complete fool as she takes my hands and place them on her bottom. What was she doing? But I just could not see my self yo push her away

"Hmmmm that was amazing see ya tomorrow hun"she wierdly remarks and places her mouth on mine again and she leaves the room.

It was already dark and I begin to study my magic book as I stumble upon a spell that will make you act loke a normal mortal teenager.

I begi  to think of this crazy idea and how stupid it is but it will  make me fit in better  hete and quicken my search for the chosen one. I carefully recite the words in the book and retreat for the night.

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