Chapter 1

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She smiled looking at the dark sky filled with stars as her heart reflected the joyous environment around her. Soul filling with his love , that she cherished every moment she breathed. She was going to be his tomorrow all over again.

Her cheeks grew red at the thought of what he had said. 'Is there a time when you weren't mine Devi ? You were , are and shall always be mine'. She couldn't help but smile, so gentle was his love that it carried her in its waves. His love was very different . It was not those of passionate words nor of the sublime silence. It was something in between the summer and winter , the spring that adorns ever heart who understands it .And she simply did. 

Her heart and soul went to the start of their love. Dwarka !

The first time she had heard his name from her Bhrata Krishna . Her heart no longer remained hers. His compassion , his strength , the pure love that she saw in the eyes of the Lord of the universe. Days and nights went , a part of her heart yearning to meet him. 

The wedding of her Bhrata Krishna and Didi Rukmini paved the way for their meet. That moment when she looked into those deep brown eyes , she had found herself . The only person who could complete her ! He was the shining armour for her ? She didn't know maybe he meant much more.

The separation breaking her heart. He went to fulfill his duties and she went for hers. Miles apart but the love kept increasing every second.

Her eyes teared at the thought of the news of his demise. The Laksha graha burnt her heart to no end. For a moment , her world turned darker than black. But her soul knew if he didn't exist then she would not be living. Her heart picked up and she knew he was there if not with her but somewhere he was. 

The news came that the brothers were alive with their ever - loving mother , Kunti . Her cute brother , Vrikodara gaining victory over Hidimb gladdened her heart. How precious moment that would have been for him when there was someone to call him Jyeshtha Pitashree ? The thought of which had Devika smiling.

The wedding of her elder sister , Krishnaa who called her soul with the Pandavas was a celebration to her. Six loving hearts together ! 

The heaven on earth being built to have him as the King , Indraprastha. Her heart in bliss on hearing his compassion and love towards his subjects. How she wished at that moment being with him ?

The departure of her dear brother Phalguna making her heart cry . Her beloved's pain reflecting in his eyes yet not a word he said . His helplessness further breaking her heart. 

The plans for her Swayamvara put her into a big distress. The thought of it choking her from within. Her Bhrata Krishna came to the rescue as always and forever.

A hope coming to her as she heard the invitation gone to Indraprastha. Swayamvara was for the world to know , he had won her heart way back during the earlier marriages of her Bhrata Krishna. 

That most awaited day came when she was no longer going to be a maiden. With her eyes down in shy , she walked up to the one who was her heart. Placing the garland around his neck , a small smile played on her lips.

Devika closed her eyes at the memory of that day, the pure love dancing in her heart as her soul engraved him from within. 

To be continued...

The next part will come up on 25th and the third one on 5th June . Do leave your votes and comments ! 

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