After the heart brake

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It was a hot, and sunny day. I just finished cleaning up my room when I decide to text my best friend how I was dateing at the time.

Me: Hey

Desiree: did you revived the text I sent you?

Me: I'll go check it.

And there it was clear as day.

Desiree:we're done!

She typed it on Snapchat. At that moment all my later emotions of happiness whent away. So I dicided to text her back.

Me:May I ask why?

Desriee: sure, but I'm not going to jive you the right answer.


I posted on my story that I wasn't going to respond to Snapchat for a few days. Then this dog add me on Snapchat. So I acepet it.



Him:I'm max!


Max:what a pretty name!

Me: thanks I need that.

Max: no problem,and what you mean when you need that?

Me:My girl just broke up with me.

Max: are you lesbian?

Me:No I'm bisexual.

Max:Oh, why did she brake up with you, you seem pretty lovable to me.

Me: I dont know...

Max: well if it make you feel better want to hang out with me and my friends?

Me: Sure!

My mom's roommate took me to my mom's work. "Hey Anna,", said my mom. "Hi mom,", I said. "Anna!", yelled a voice. This Brown hair, blue eyed teenage boy came up to me. "Wow, you look beautiful,", he said. I smiled. "You must be Max,", I said.

"Yes, and I thought you where her,", said Max. "How?", I asked. "Your mom sayed ypur name,", said Max.

"Oh right, anyways wher your friends?", I asked. "Over here,", Max said. There was two other boys there to. One taller then me, with very curly hair, and the other one again taller then me, with strait hair. They both have brown eyes. There was one little girl with them. Same as Max brown hair, blue eyes.

"Guys this is Anna,", said Max. "I know her,", said one of the boys. "Hiw do you know me?", I asked. "Your pretty popular at our school,", said the boy. "Really where do y'all go to school at?", I asked. Their faces lite up in delight.  "Pine Ridge,", said the two boys. "Oh,", I said. "My name is Kane,", said the curly hair boy. "My name is jack,", said the other one. "Max did you whent to school there once?", asked the little girl."yeah' I did lily,", said Max. "So how come you know me?", I said.

"Everone, that's the kids that is, talk about how you can fight, and how you can get out of any situation without a scratch!", said Kane. "Oh, about my past self,", I said in a low voice. "Can you teach us?", siad Jack. "Ummm sure?", I said, I felt awkward at the time. "Guys she only hear to spend time with us not to get us in more trouble,", said Max. "Oh your no fun,", said Kane.

                         To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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