Chapter four: Seeing Charlie

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Chapter four: Seeing Charlie

Bella's POV

Today I was going to see Charlie and to let him know I was okay. I had to tell him danger might be coming his way because of me. That was all I could tell him though.

Suddenly there was a huge wolf in front of me, I smacked right into a tree and I started to bleed. The wolf gave a strange look and transform into a human I known as Jacob Black. He asked, "How in the hell are you running that fast Bella?" I told him, "I'm a vampire slayer I guess. I killed a bunch in Italy for the last few months." He said, "Everyone thinks you were kidnapped." I replied, "I was kidnapped by a coven of vampires called the Volturi. They brainwashed the Cullens, so they wouldn't remember me. The Volturi will most likely be coming after soon and when they do I am going to kill the rest of them." Jacob looked at me and asked, "Why are they after you? What do they want from you?" I replied, "They want my powers, they want me to become one of them." Jacob let out a low growl and said, "That is not going to happen, I promise you that." I nodded my head, I watched him turn back into a wolf and ran off in the opposite direction.

I continued running to Charlie's house, a few minutes later I was there. I used the hidden key under the mat and went inside to wait for Charlie to come home. Hopefully I wouldn't scare him and try to shoot me. 

Over an hour later, I heard Charlie's patrol car pull up in the driveway and come to a stop. I waited in the living room for him to come inside the house. I would approach him, after he took his gun belt off.

I heard him enter the house, I forgot to lock the front. I heard him pull the gun out of his belt, I cursed myself mentally. I quickly got behind the couch and listen for his foot steps. I hoped I wasn't going to end up dead by my own father. I put my hood down quickly and slowly got up, I should be able to dodge a bullet if I needed to.

I quickly leaped at Charlie and knocked the gun out of his hand. I could see the shock in his eyes, then a smile slowly appeared on his face. He pulled me into a hug and said, "You have finally come home." I told him, "I can't stay here." He asked, "Why not?" I told him, "It would be too dangerous for you if I stayed here. I was kidnapped two months ago and they will be coming after me again. No one can stop them from coming after me, not even the police." Charlie said, "You could be put under witness protection, you..." I yelled, "You don't understand! They're not human!" He asked, "What do you mean they're not human?!

I told him bluntly, "The people who kidnapped me are vampires." He busted out laughing, he didn't believe me. I told him, "Stop laughing, this isn't funny." It took him a minute to stop laughing, he asked, " Are you serious?" I told him while looking straight into his eyes, "I am very serious." Then I began saying, "None of the myths about vampires are true. The ones that are after me drink human blood, but not all vampires do; some drink animal blood. Vampires who drink human blood have red eyes, the ones who drink animal blood have golden yellow eyes. When the sunlight hits their skin it shines like diamonds. Their stronger and faster than humans except for me."

He was quiet for a few minutes, before he spoke again. He asked, "Where are you staying at?" I told him, "All I can tell you is that I am staying with a clan of vampires. They're ones that feed off of animal blood, I will be safe with them." Then Charlie asked me, "When will I see you again?" I replied, "After the vampires that are after me are dead." Then I left and headed back to the Cullen's house.

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