"Professor?" Asked the girl. "Why did you told me to meet you?"

Agamora then directed her gaze to the girl. "To practice Valeriana." Said her.

"Huh?" The girl was more confused of what the woman meant to say.

"You know, Blair was a one great Guielpion student, an heir for a duchess position of Prelariun." Agamora stated as she then walk towards the only tree in the school ground.

Valeriana then followed her just to see the same bag placed on the side of the tree. The bag that she saw before which contains the weapons. "Are you gonna help me?" The girl asked.

"Yes Valeriana. I was sure that Blair will use a sword for that was the most powerful weapon she ever mustered to use against you," said the woman as she unzipped the bag and pulled two swords, but guess what? Those were real swords. Their blades were glimmering in as the sun light hits it. "There are a lot of things you need to learn kiddo."

"We're gonna use real swords in the duel?" Asked the girl in surprised and horror. She can't imagine how she would be while using that sword.

"Why yes," said the woman as she then glide those two swords against each other while stunningly staring on their blades.

"But Professor," the girl tried to find the exact reason. "That would be dangerous, someone might get hurt." She insisted to reason.

"That's reasonable one," said Agamora. Valeriana somehow found hope for there's a chance that the woman would complain to Professor Kelber about how dangerous was it. But seriously? They don't think of it before? "And that's the essence of duel Valeriana. It's lose, win, or draw. That's way a lot of students here already died because of duel." Said Agamora calmly and walk towards the middle of the school ground.

She left Valeriana hanging her jaw open dumfoundedly. The girl just can't imagine how cool this woman was. She didn't show even a bit of nervousness after saying what she had said.



Oh hell.

"Well? You want to practice for the remaining hours or just keep your jaw hanging open there?" Asked Agamora as she place a hand on her waist.

The girl smiled bitterly and scratch her head. Valeriana then went to the woman.

"Here," said Agamora as she handed the other sword to the girl.

Valeriana then accepted it, but somehow, she haven't realized that it was a real sword. She haven't redied her arms and hands for it. Just the reason that from her hands to her shoulder then sagged down together with the undeniably heavy weight of the sword.

"Oh geez!" She then sighed as she tried to lift up the sword. Wow! It's like she was lifting three, four to five years old children. That's way too much though. She can't just explain how heavy was it. But after all, she gave all the force she can and lastly, she managed to lift the sword up. "Why was it easy for you to hold that sword Professor?" Asked the girl curiously.

"I told you before, I will not be a professor in Weapons Art when I'm not professional in handling such weapons." Explained the woman in the very same words she did before.

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