"Thank you."

This is going to be a long night.


For the last 20 minutes I have been wanting to just go home and crawl under my blankets. And possibly cry while I'm at it. I was mentally and physically exhausted from all this.

How can one person create such chaos in my heart and mind?

We were all seated at the bar. Hyunjin and Jinny were in the their own little world while Yeji and I stayed silent. We were so close but so distant tonight. I've tried to say something, anything that would bring out that wonderful smile of hers but it was like she was on auto pilot.

She would just smile lightly and nod as a response.

It may have been loud in the club but her silence was louder than any sound. It was making me furious knowing it was my fault for this. Or, so I've been told.

Does she really like me?

I have to ask or this will literally destroy me.

"Yeji do—."

"Excuse me beautiful but I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" Yeji and I turned around to be met with a tall looking man. He was fairly handsome but he had this smirk that screamed trouble. I looked over to Yeji only to see her staring at me for a moment.


But all that hope came crashing down into my hands as she took one last sip of her wine and turned back to the guy. She nodded and placed her hand in his,

"Sure," she said. And without a second glance she was guided to the dance floor. How I wished she actually disappeared in the crowd so I wouldn't have to see her dancing with this man. I gritted my teeth and turned away. I clenched my eyes and clasped my hands together,

"Give me another!" I yelled to the bartender which he quickly obliged. He poured me another shot and slid it to me which I immediately drank. I hissed and clenched my eyes tightly as I felt the alcohol burning my throat in the most pleasing way.

"Where's Yeji?" I heard Jinny asked from beside me. I scoffed and pointed at the dance floor. I didn't even want to look.

"Oh," Jinny said. I dryly chuckled and nodded,

"Yeah, oh," I said before slamming some money on the bar and standing up. Hyunjin stood up as well with a confused yet sympathetic look,

"Ryujin where are you going?" He asked me. I laughed sarcastically with an eye roll,

"Home. It's better than witnessing that," I said while looking over to Yeji who was surprisingly watching me with a look of curiosity. But I had to look away after noticing her arms were wrapped around his neck. Hyunjin sighed,

"Ryu—." I cut her off by lifting my hand up,

"No Hyunjin. I told you she didn't like me but you guys wouldn't stop telling me that she did which she clearly doesn't!" I took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration, "I believed it and got my hopes up for Christ sakes!" I yelled out. I go to walk away but Hyunjin snatched my wrist,

"Ryujin wait! Let me talk to her—." I carefully took my wrist out of his grasp and shook my head,

"There's nothing to talk about Jin. How can she like me when she can't even look or let alone speak to me. I-I can't go through this again Jin. Not with her," I paused and regretfully looked at Yeji who never looked away from me. Her eyes held concern but I didn't want to believe it anymore. This is why I keep my walls up.

"Especially not with her," I said before walking away.

They always leave me.

No one ever stays.

What hurt the most was that she told me she wouldn't act like this again but she is.

Unfortunately, for me, I had to walk through the dance floor to head out. And, of course, Yeji and the guy had to be right near the exit.

"Ryujin Wait!"

I turned my head to see Yeji trying to squeeze past the crowd to me. I sighed and tiredly looked at her,

"Not now Yeji," I said. She frowned and tried to reach for me till the guy she was previously dancing with had appeared behind and took a hold of her waist.

"We're not done yet baby," he said while skimming his lips on her bare neck. She widened her eyes in fear and tried to get him off her.


All I was seeing is red.

And without thinking, I rushed towards him and gripped onto his wrist, pulling his hand way from her,

"Don't you fucking touch her," I said through gritted teeth. Yeji immediately rushed behind me with a look full of fear. The man smirked,

"Oh come on, we can always share. I mean she looks extremely fuckable with that outfit o— ugh!!"

One second I was trying to control my anger, and the next my fist collided into his face making his head turn away forcefully. He groaned in pain and looked at me in anger before punching me in the eye. I hissed in pain but didn't care.

All I cared about was Yeji's safety.

So, with all my might, I punched him square in the jaw once more making him fall onto ground with a bloody mouth. I tried to continue the beating but Yeji gripped onto my arm,

"Don't," she whimpered out. I felt my body soften as I turned towards her. She was staring at my now bruised hand in concern. I looked back down at the guy and took her wrist,

"Touch her again and I'll end you," I hissed out before pulling her out of the bar. And the moment we walked out I hailed a taxi. I let go of her wrist and swiftly took off my Jacket. Then, I took off her overcoat, replacing it with my jacket.

"Here," I said while placing my jacket on her shoulder. She widened her eyes and goes to protest but I just shook my head and looked away from her.

"Thank you," she whispered. I just nodded as a response.

I couldn't say a word.

I'm still hurt of what just went down in the club. And I'm not talking about my hand or eye.

I just wanted to get her home safely and just forget that this night had ever happened.

"I-is your hand okay?" I heard her ask from beside me. She sounded like she was standing close and as much as I wanted to look at her, I couldn't. I'm embarrassed to actually think she actually liked me. I just nodded.

"Are you sure? How about your eye?" She asked carefully. I sighed and nodded once more,

"Yes," I said blankly.

It was quiet again until I hissed in pain. I looked down at my hand only to see Yeji gently holding it and eyeing the wound with widened eyes,

"Ryujin! Your hands bleeding," she pointed out in concern. I let out a breath,

"Leave it, I'll just ice it at home," I tiredly said. She frowned at that and only held my hand a little tighter. She opened her mouth to say something until a taxi pulled over. I opened the door for her,

"Come on, I'll take you home," I said with my eyes casted down to the floor. She stood there for a moment but then slid into the car without a word. I then followed her inside and closed the door.

After giving the address to the driver I felt Yeji scoot closer to me. Her scent was making me mind grow hazy and she didn't even know it. She then slowly took my hand, the one that wasn't wounded, and intertwined our fingers. Her body was trembling and I knew she was still scared from what happened earlier so I let her be.

Who knows, this may be the last time I'll hold this hand.

Annnnndddd shes leaning on my shoulder now...


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