"I'll be paying," Jinny said. I ripped my eyes off of Yeji and Kai who were having a conversation, which had a lot of laughing and smiling in it, and forced a smile towards Jinny who was smiling but with unreadable eyes this time.

"That'll be $12.89," I said. Jinny nodded and handed me a $20 dollar bill, but before I can hand her change she immediately lifted her hand up to stop me,

"Keep the change," she said with a kind smile. I smiled in returned and shook my head. I tried to hand it to her once more but she only declined. I laughed lightly,

"Hyunjin was right, you are an angel," I causally said which led her to blush. Interesting.

"Hyunjin said that? As in your roommate Hyujin? Yeji's cousin Hyujinnie?" She continuously asked with a glint in her eyes. I laughed and nodded,

"The one and only," I responded which made her blush even more. I was too entertained with the blushing blonde in front of me that I hadn't realized eyes shooting daggers our way.

"He doesn't talk much does he?" Jinny  carefully asked. I smirked and leaned closer,

"Why? You interested?" I teased. She playfully narrowed her eyes and shoved my shoulder. I laughed and go to retort till a clearing of a throat was made. We both turned towards the sound only to see Yeji deathly glaring at Jinny.

"Did you already pay?" She asked. I looked over to see Kai already setting up their order then back to Yeji who looked like a fuming kitten. Jinny let out a nervous laugh and nodded,

"I-I did. I'll go get us a table," she nervously said. Jinny quickly sent me a smile before turning around and scouting for a table. Yeji then let out a breath before smiling at me and backing away,

"It was good to see you Ryujin," she said so softly and gently that I couldn't help but blush. I chuckled and rubbed the nape of my neck awkwardly,

"You too Yeji," I said. We stared at each other for a moment with a shy smile before she turned around and headed towards Jinny who found a seat in the back.

God she's perfect.

"Did you ask if she's single yet?"

"I will kill you Kai."


"Come on Ryujin.."

"I said no!" I angrily yelled out while wiping the tables clean. I forced out a smile to the last customer who stood up to leave, "Have a nice day!"

"Aww, thank you. What a sweet girl."

I smiled sweetly and waved goodbye but the moment the customer left I brought back my scowl. Kai whined and continued to follow me around the Café. Yuna watched from the side in amusement,

"Honestly though, why won't you ask Yeji yourself if you're that curious?" Yuna asked. I huffed and agreed, "What the barbie said." Yuna could only glare at me before Kai let out an annoyed groan himself.

"Because it'll be better if Ryujin does it!" He explained with a hint of desperation. I rolled my eyes,

"But I barely just met the girl," I said earning a low groan from Kai. He seemed frustrated. Does he really like Yeji? I frowned at the thought.

"Whatever, I gotta go home. See you guys next week. And remember to ask Ryu," he said before rushing out of the café. I growled and threw the rag towards the door he immediately shut.

"Annoying ass," I muttered out while walking over to pick up the rag. Yuna laughed from behind,

"I'm surprised he's really getting under your skin," she said. I turned around and instantly felt nervous. She had her arms crossed and her eyes held suspicion. I shrugged and looked away,

"Because he's Kai, he's always trying to annoy me," I grumbled while cleaning another table. From the corner of my eye, Yuna nodded and continued to sweep the floor,

"That's true but it's never been this easy for you get so riled up," she said. I froze for a moment before turning around,

"What are you implying?" I asked. She shrugged as well but with a small smirk,

"Nothing, I just think you should make a move if you want him to stop," she teased. I stared at her in disgust,

"Make a move on Kai?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and looked at me in annoyance,

"Not him you idiot. I'm talking about Yeji," she said. I widened my eyes and stared at her as if she was crazy,

"And why would I do that?" I nervously asked. Yuna lifted up her eyebrows and stared at me like I was stupid,

"You tell me," she said. We silently stared at each other for a moment before I gave in. I sighed and plopped myself on one of the chairs. I looked down at my hand and fiddled with my fingers before looking back up at Yuna. Seeing my expression, she immediately placed the broom against the wall and sat across from me.

"Remember the girl I told you about? The one from my high school?"

"The one you were in love with?"

"I wouldn't say love..."

"So obsessed?"

"Do you want me to continue my story or not?" I hissed out. She chuckled and motioned for me to continue. I glared at her for a second before huffing and looking back down to my hands that were nervously clasped together,

"Yeji is that girl," I said. Yuna gasped and stared at me with widened eyes,

"No freaking way! It's destiny!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head,

"Not even close. It's merely a coincidence. She doesn't even remember me," I said. Yuna stared at me in disbelief,

"So why not just tell her who you are?" She asked. I shook my head with a small smile,

"Because I don't want her to remember that version of me," I said. I looked up at Yuna, "Besides, there's no point in talking about the past let alone asking her out. She's straight and Kai likes her," I stated while getting up. Yuna frowned at,

"I don't think he does," she said. I opened my mouth to say something till I looked at the time. I widened my eyes,

"Shit I'm late! Gotta go, I have to teach dance class!" I exclaimed while removing my apron and grabbing my bag. Yuna tried to call me but I quickly rushed out,

"But Ryujin we're not done talking!"

"Bye Yuna!"

I quickly rushed out but the moment I walked through the door, I immediately collided into a petite figure. I unconsciously pull the person flush against my body by their waist in hopes they wouldn't fall. But, hearing a small gasp, I quickly looked down and met a pair of stunned feline eyes.


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