The Morning After and Masamune Meets his new Neighbor.

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Crowd Of Students: "Izumi-chan!"

Masamune: "Hey, stop that! Megumi!"

Megumi: "Ah, Onii-san."

Masamune: "What are you doing?"

Megumi: "What? I said before that I'll come back with a new plan!"

Masamune: "And this is it?"

Megumi: "Yes! This should really touch Izumi-chan's hear, and come to school-"

Masamune: "She won't! More like she'll wrap herself in a futon with Y/N and sleep! Get these guys out of here right now!" *Beads of sweat drops down his face* "Well, I'd like all of you to go home."

Megumi: "Alright everyone, time to disperse!" 

Crowd Of Students: "Yay! Hey! Hey! See ya! Bye-bye Onii-san!"

Masamune: "Yes, yes. Yay, yay. Wait, you go home, too!

Megumi: "Before that, here you go."

Masamune: "A neighborhood circular?"

Megumi: "It was placed on of the front gate. Why won't they deliver it directly to you?"

Masamune: "Oh, that's because there's a rumor that this area is cursed."

Megumi: "A curse?"

Masamune: "Misfortune has been continuing for the past few years. Our family for one, but our neighbor as well. There once was a prolific author who living there, but passed away from illness. It's been empty ever since. They say you can hear the piano playing nightly, and see a ghost in a white dress. The community around here calls it the haunted mansion.

Megumi: "A ghost in a white dress..."

Y/N: "Nii-san you don't believe in that, right?"

Megumi: "Wait a second, you mean that thing?"

Masamune: "Eh?! There's nothing there."

Y/N: Could that have been Elf-sensei? Maybe, buuuut this would be a good way for Masamune to meet his new neighbor. So I'll just keep quiet for now.

Megumi: "It hid behind the curtains just now!"

Masamune: "Stop saying stuff like that."

Megumi: "No, no! I'm not a women who never tells lies! *She thinks upon her statement* "Not that often."

Y/N: "Who knows, maybe a cat got into the house."

Masamune: "Y/N this is no time for jokes, I'm sure It was just your imaginations. See ya!" Ya that's not my problem.

Megumi: *Staring back at the house* "It 'd be nice if it was. Really."

A/N: smol time skip and Y/N went back to his room

Masamune: *He knocks on Sagiri and Y/N's door* "Hey, guys, are you all alright?" I hope what happened earlier didn't traumatize Sagiri if she saw it, I know Y/N can handle something like that. "I'll make you guys hot cocoa-" *Door slams on his face once again* "Egh."

Sagiri: *Visibly crying while holding onto Y/N's arm*

Masamune: "What's wrong?" *He gets grabbed and put into there room*

Sagiri: *Grabs and hugs Y/N while crying into his chest.*

Masamune: "What's wrong?" *Trying to cheer her up, I think "Did you get a crush on your big brother?"

Sagiri: *Stops hugging Y/N and slaps Masamune with a controller of sorts then points to her window* "Gh-Ghost... piano...

Masamune: "Piano?"

I Wanted my Sister to go Outside, So I Made Friends. (Eromanga Sensei x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu