marauders map(edited)

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"Yes I did, I suppose they were the reason you both fainted"

"Yeah" Harry hesitated and Daisy took his hand and squeezed it "why, why do they effect us like this, are we just?"

"It has nothing to do with weakness twins" Lupin cut in quickly "the dementors affect you worse because there are true horrors in your pasts that other people your age have ever experienced"

A ray of sunlight fell across the classroom and the twins could see the gray hairs littering Lupins hair. The wrinkled on his forehead could be seen better and Harry felt sorry for the man, thinking that he must be quite stressed at the moment.

"When they get near me, I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum"

Daisy put her head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand tighter, she truly felt sorry for him and wished she could be there for him like he is for her.

"Your lucky Harry" Sje whispered "I hear mummy and daddy but then it switches and I can hear Uncle Vernon yelling at me"

This caused Lupin to frown in confusion/concern and Harry to hug his sister.

"I'm sorry Daisy"

There was a silence that none of them knew how to fill.

"Why did they have to come to the match?" Harry asked.

"They're getting hungry, Dumbeldore won't let them into the school, I don't think they could resist the large crowd around the quidditch pitch"

"Azkaban must be terrible" Daisy said after thinking for a moment.

"Yeah they are trapped in their own heads incapable of a single cheerful thought"

"That's really bad how could they do that to people"

"They are really horrid people Daisy who have done really bad things" Harry tried to explain to her and she nodded.

"Most of them go mad within weeks"

"But Sirius Black escaped"

Lupin"s briefcase slipped from the desk and he quickly caught it. The twins shared a look as their professor steadied himself and layed his briefcase back on the desk.

"Yes black must have found a way to fight them, I didn't think it was possible dementors are among the foulest creatures to walk this earth"

"You made the dementor on the train go away" Harry said.

"There are-cretain defences one can use"

"What defences? can you teach me?" He rushed out quickly.

"I dont pretend to be and expert in fighting dementors Harry"

"But what if the dementors come back in the next quidditch match I need to be prepared!"

Lupin looked into Harry's determined face and sighed.

"Well alright but it will have to wait until next term"

"That's great thank you proffesor also, could you watch Daisy this Saturday my friends are going to hogsmede so I was gonna have a day by myself"

"Of course harry I'd love to"

"Hey Daisy?"

While they were talking Daisy had gotten bored and sat down at her desk at the front of the classroom. She was trying to do some of her homework and was concentrating as hard as she could.


She looked up.

"Yeah Harry?"

"What are you doing?"

harry potters twinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora