Back then

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Back then I would fall for boys who were toxic for me and I would never see it but my friends would..they would tell me how bad things were getting but they always made me see that things were for me. One night I had realized that I was in this toxic relationship and so I decided to pack and leave, as I was packing he called me " hey are you at the house?" I closed my suit chase and said " yeah but I'm bout to head out" he smiled and said " where are you heading?" I looked around and thought " I'm going to the mall!" He said " okay I'll meet you there" he hung up and said " he thought I was going?" I laughed and got my stuff and walked down the stairs. As I was going down the stairs our neighbor opened the door and said " your leaving?" She smiled and gave me hug, I looked at the cloudy sky and smiled and walked away. I got into my car and backed out and I was never heard from again.

Few Years later..
I was walking home and I smelt the hair it had smelled like the ocean, you could smell the salt and the sand from in the city. A man walked up to me and said " excuse you know where the bar is?" I smiled and said " it's around this corner!" He smiled and said " name is nick" I smiled and said " my name is brae" he gave me his phone and said " can I have your number?" I laughed and put my number in his phone and said " you can text me anytime!" He grabbed his phone and said " alright I will do that..have a nice day..brae!" .
As I was walking downtown I looked up and smiled I got into my phone and called my friend " I just some cute guy my number" the conversation went on for a few minutes I hung up the phone and began to go onto the bridge that is connected to the beach I left my shoes on because people who it are stupid. As I walking to the beach people were staring at me like I was a weirdo but I didn't care I just kept on walking. As I got to where I wanted to set up I called all of my friends and told them where I was at, it took them 15 minutes to get here but as I was waiting I took of my shorts and tank top and took out my hair tie and laid on my towel and put on my shades and laid down. I heard noises and as soon as I heard noises I looked around I realized it was my buddies. They had chases of beer and towels and outside toys to play with. Someone had hooked there iPhone to there blue tooth speaker and they had played the song(" say so by Doja cat ft: Nicki Minaj") we saw that the beach had a volley ball net and we rushed over with us drinking and being trash at volley ball we sucked in general.
My friend Paul was on my team he kept checking me out but I was to busy on winning, my friend Miley she was keeping my friend Donavon in check because he was a major stoner and we didn't want to get kicked out of beach so instead of smoking he was drinking. Donavon said " so Miley are you single?" She laughed and said " in your dreams Donavon!" He started to frown and laid on the towels and closed his eyes and began to sleep. 
The next song that came on was (Yikes by: Nicki Minaj) and we started to sing and as soon as someone heard the rapping we all started to rap and when we failed we would laugh and continued playing volley ball.

As soon as it was night we set up a fire and we all gathered around and told stories and no one would laugh or judge. We sat there and just listened for hours, until it was my turn. I looked up at the sky and said " you all remember 2 years ago when I was with that abusive guy terry right?" They all nodded and leaned in closer (sighed) " well one night I was watching tv and terry walked in drunk as fuck and decided to pick a fight with me, and that night he took it to far (sighs) he grabbed his knife and put it up to my neck and said " is this how you like it?" I cried and said no and he would play with hair and say if you ever leave I will find you and kill you! I always believed him but then I realized that he was wrong...he always called me weak and that I wouldn't ever be better then I was potentially to be so that night I decided to fight back....and I cut him, I thought he was going to kill me but I took him to the hospital but that night I decided that I was strong and that I was a fighter" everyone had whipped there tears and hugged me and they sat back down and had smiles on there face.  I had got up and walked away to the ocean and sat down the sand and looked up into the sky and cried.

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