Alexander's Nightmare

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It was midnight.  Everyone went to sleep including Sayori's children and even her husband William.  Sayori, a nineteen year Japanese-Korean-American actress, singer, and song writer, married, and had two children: Alexander - 4 & Natsuki - 2.

Lucifer Magne, her uncle, thought very hard and tested her in painful ways.  He was the younger twin sister of her mother, Clarissa Y.S. Sutcliff.  He tried killing her three times by choking her and drowning her.  On his third try he stabbed her 18 times piercing her from back to front and leaving her in a coma for 3 year.  

(Background info on her and Alastor)


Date: July 14th

Place: Venice, Italy

"Hey, Alastor"

"Yes, my dear."

They used to date each other and be assassins for a very big assassination company.  They were going to a business party when Alastor and Sayori got drunk and made out.  Sayori, a fifteen at the time and got pregnant.  She left Alastor long before this event occurred.  She gave birth to her son on May 1, 2016 and named him Alexander. 

Sayori was sitting on the couch with her laptop on her lap, a cup of black coffee, and four stacks of paper from work all on the coffee tallow while watching the news. She was wearing a pair of black pajama shorts, a short sleeved light blue shirt, and had her black to crimson tip hair in a messy bun. She heard footsteps doing down the stairs and she quickly turned off the tv to see her son, Alexander, in tears from crying. He ran towards his mother while she had the laptop on her lap and hugged her.

"Mommy,' he whined. 

"Yes honey. What happened?"


She put the laptop down and picked up Alexander and placed him on a kitchen stool while making a glass of milk and a plate of cookies. She handed him the plate full of cookies and the glass.  

"Tell me about your nightmare, honey."

Alexander was a four year-old boy who has the same style of hair his father has but the maroon-colored tips replaced by his mother black hair.  He had the same skin tone as his mother and had his father big smile.

" nightmare....w-was where this girl who looked like fifteen years-old was locked behind in a prison cell."

Sayori, looked at her son with disbelieve in his eyes.  

"Somebody was outside her cell and when she looked at what was behind her and I saw her face.  Her face was dirty, ashy, and musty importantly bloody."

Sayori knew what his nightmare was about, the time she killed her parents.  What an awful yet horrific site it was for a sixteen year old to see: her parents died.  It was a cult group that her family had bad ties with.  

"She then was taken to a room blindfolded and was sitting when she heard to people see recognized.  Then said their last goodbyes and she killed them."

Sayori was at the verge of tears.  Alexander ran to his mother and hugged her.  

"Mommy, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." Sayori cried even louder and no one heard it and it made Alexander confused as ever.

'Mommy, please don't cry. Everything will be alright."

"No, Alexander, who don't understand.  I know what your nightmare is."

Alexander was shocked to hear this.  It had been recurring for days now and he would finally get an answer.

"You do, mommy? Please, please tell me. Please!"

Sayori was very upset and shaking by his nightmare.  She needed to make a compromise quick.  If he gave her three days to to think about the dream.

"Maybe, just if you give me three days and I will tell you, understand." 

"Okay, mommy. I'm going to bed. It's already 2:30."

Alexander hugged his mother and went back to his room and fell asleep.  Sayori wiped her tears from her eyes and finished all her paperwork and heads upstairs.  


I hope you guys like the chapter.  Yes I will be updating as soon as I possible can.  I will look at the comments for love and support and also grammar mistakes.  Make sure you guys stay safe during this.   

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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