Steve: When you first meet...

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You were walking down to the new cafe on main street to meet up with some friends you hadn't seen in a long time. You walked through the door and you were immediately hit by the fresh smells of coffee and cinnamon. Pulling your (h/l) (h/c) out of your face you got in the back of the line, which for a Thursday, was surprisingly long. You finally made it to the front of the line after what seemed like hours,(although it was only 5 minutes or so.) and you placed your order for a (f/d). You found a booth and sat down, occasionally glancing down at your (f/c) watch, waiting for your friends to show up.


You looked at your watch for what must have been the fiftieth time that day. Your friends (best/friends/name) and (other/best/friends/name) still hadn't shown up yet and you had been there for an hour. A waiter came by and asked you if you wanted another drink, which you hastily ordered. You had decided that you would take your cup to go and than fuss out your friends the next time you had the chance. You payed for your coffee and stomped out the door, only to run right into someone, spilling the coffee all over yourself and the victim of your rage.

"I am so sorry!" you apologized, hastily picking up your things. "Don't worry about it ma'am." you heard a voice say. You stored all your items in your satchel bag and looked up to see a tall man with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. "I-ill pay for anything that got damaged when I spilled my coffee on you." He laughed and helped you up. "Like I said, don't worry about it. The names Steve, Steve Rogers." You shook his hand and smiled shyly. "(f/n). (f/n) (l/n)." you managed to get out. He smiled and started walking down the street again. "Well it was nice to meet you Miss (f/n). See you around," and with that he was gone. You shook your head and started off down the street going the opposite way, smiling the whole time. You even forgot to call your friends and fuss them out.

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