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"Oh I'm just seeing if his arc reactor was glowing. He passed out earlier." Nat says. "Well you can see his arc reactor through his shirt, or you could just have Jarvis run a diagnostic on him. And why did he pass out?" Pepper says walking towards the computer. "Well he hasn't been getting much sleep lately so maybe that's why?" Nat says. I try to find some words to say to back her up but I can't. I just want to get out of this awkward situation. "Well how would you know that? The only time he's awake is down here in the lab. So what? We're you visiting him down here in the lab?" Pepper says. She's giving Nat a dirty look now. I don't understand what's going on here. "No. It's obvious. You can see it in his face. And we're closer than you think." Nat says getting defensive. "Hmm. It seems like you're a little 'too close' to Tony." Pepper says getting in Nat's face. "Okay. That's enough." I say stepping in between them. "We're all close to Tony." "I can see that." Pepper says. She looks me up and down then laughs. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "I know things Steve." Pepper says. "Things like what?" I say. "Just-." "I hate to interrupt but Mr. Stark is waking up." Jarvis says interrupting Pepper. We turn to see Tony starting to move around and open his eyes. "What happened?" Tony says. "You blacked out." I say. "Why?" Tony says. "Well it says on here you had an anxiety attack." Pepper says.  "Anxiety attack? What happened?" Tony asks. Nat and I look at each other. He obviously doesn't remember that he passed out after I showed him my birthmark. I try to come up with a quick like before Nat does because I'm scared she might ruin it. She's a bad liar. "I don't know. You were talking about how you have been having these nightmares and haven't been getting much sleep. When I asked what the nightmares were about you grabbed your chest and collapsed." Everyone looks at me. "What?" I say. I'm starting to feel like they aren't buying what I'm saying. "Oh yeah I have been having nightmares about what happened a few years ago. When I almost lost Pepper." He says. I give a sigh of relief. "Aww Tony." Pepper says walking up to him. She comforts him and I feel myself get a little tense. "You alright Steve?" Nat whispers to me. "Yeah." "Alright can we please leave now detective Pepper?" Nat says. Pepper raises her brow at her. "Of course." She says. Nat and I leave. "So how did you know about Tony's nightmares?" "Because he told me." I say. "He told you?" She asks. "Okay my room now. You need to tell me." "Fine." We go to Nat's room and we close and lock the door. "So when did he tell you this?" She asks. "A few months ago when I first started getting feelings for him. It was super late at night and everyone was asleep already. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out for a walk. When I went downstairs I saw Tony having a drink. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that a few years back someone attacked him and Pepper. They kidnapped Pepper and long story short, Pepper fell ten stories and he thought he lost her. But when she was kidnapped they injected her with something and made her immortal." "So she was still alive." Nat says. "Yeah. Anyways he told me he couldn't really sleep since then and the nightmares were haunting him. He said it's because if she had died he would've never forgiven himself. I decided to comfort him but I didn't know he was super drunk already. He tried to kiss me." "Wait he tried to kiss you? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME??" "Shhhh." I say. "Oh sorry." She says. "Yes he did. I wouldn't let him though. Because he was drunk and I feel like it would be taking advantage of him. He was also telling me about how he's in the closet and he's tired of hiding his true self. He told me he's bisexual. He then said that when he comes out of the closet he wants me to be the first guy he's with. He said I'm handsome and sweet." " Oh my gosh Steve you know what this means?" She says. "What?" "It means Tony likes you." "It does not mean that." I say. "Come on Steve how Naïve could you possibly be? He basically admitted to you about how he feels." "He was just drunk he doesn't mean it."  I say looking down. I didn't tell anyone because he's with Pepper. Pepper is his soulmate. At least that's what I thought before he told me she wasn't. I didn't want to get my hopes up or anything and I knew that with how drunk he was, he wouldn't remember any of it. So I made an agreement with myself not to ever bring it up. I've since then tried to see if it was true by sending hints his way. I haven't gotten any back so I'm guessing it wasn't. "When people say or do thing when they're drunk, it's what they really want. Yes they don't know what they're doing but subconsciously that's how they really feel. It's like a truth serum. It makes the truth come out." Nat says. "I don't know Nat. I've been like trying to send him hints about it but he hasn't sent any back." I say. "Well of course not. Tony may be smart but he is actually really dumb. He hasn't notice and the hints are big enough that's why. I mean come on everyone except him has noticed." She says. She rubs my back trying to comfort me. "I don't know Nat. I just don't want to wast my time and end up heart broken." "You won't. I promise you. This will be worth it. I believe in you guys so much." She says. "Thanks." I say. Nat and I stay up all night talking. Before I know it it's the morning time. Apparently we both fell asleep. It's not weird at all for me sleeping next to Nat. We're good friends like that. She's like my sister. Then there's a knock on the door. "Come in!" Nat says. "It's locked." It's Bruce. Nat opens the door. "Hey." He looks behind Nat at me and then says. "Oh am I interrupting something?" "No of course not." Nat says. "This is not what you think. We were just having a private conversation and I didn't want to be interrupted." "Okay..." Bruce says. I can see Nat's face turn bright red. She being a little fidgety. I've seen these signs before. That's how I act around Tony. Oh my gosh does Nat have a crush on Bruce? "So what did you need?" She says. "I just wanted to come by and see if you wanted to maybe go out today?" Bruce says nervously. Oh I see what's going on here. Bruce and Nat like each other. That's sweet. But I guess they aren't soulmates because their birthmarks haven't- just then their backs start to glow. Wow. This is a beautiful sight and I've never seen it happen before. When you find your soulmate it truly is beautiful. Nat lifts her shirt a bit and looks at her back. Bruce also looks at his back. "You're my soulmate." They both say at the same time. They look at each other's birthmarks. Surely enough they're both the same size, shape, and in the same spot on their lower back. Amazing. I'm so happy for them. They embrace each other in a hug. This is so sweet. It kind of makes me sad though. I feel like I'll never get that chance at happiness. I feel my eyes start to water. The thought of it actually hurts. I decide that this is it. I can't stand this feeling anymore. I need fresh air. I get up and rush passed them. "Steve!" Nat says rushing after me. I go all the way downstairs and out to the balcony. As I lean over the balcony I feel the tears streaming down my face. "Steve what's going on? Nat asks with Bruce standing behind her. " I don't want to talk about it." "Bruce can you give us a moment?" Nat asks Bruce. "Sure." He says. She closes the doors behind him then walks over to me. "Hey what's happening?" "I don't know. I saw you and Bruce and your birthmarks and you found your soulmate. You're like a sister to me and I'm incredibly happy for you, but it just makes me think how I'm still no closer to finding mine." "Steve that's not true. We still didn't get a chance to check Tony's birth-." "I don't want to check Tony's birthmark. I want to give up on all of this. So what if we check his birthmark? If he doesn't have feelings for me there's no point." "How do you know he doesn't have feelings for you?" She says. "I just do and I don't want to go for it anymore." "I don't think you mean that." She says. I let out a sigh. I feel defeated. "I just want to be alone right now." I say. She nods then goes inside. I sit down on a patio chair and just look out over everything. I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

-Tony's POV

Pepper went to work this morning and I feel kind of good waking up alone for once. I want some time to myself right now. I had a dream that Steve was my soulmate. In the dream I walked into Steve's room and him and Nat were talking, then Steve showed me his birthmark. It matched mine and I felt so overwhelmed that I passed out. Then I was on the lab with them and Pepper after that I woke up. It was really interesting. Honestly thinking about it, I don't know what I'd do. I've never admitted this to anyone and not even myself but I do have feelings for Steve. They're very small but they're there. I love Pepper though. I'm still in the closet. I don't even think Steve has the slightest interest in me either, so even if I did come out I don't think I'd be able to be with him. Plus, I want Pepper to be the last person I'm with before I find my soulmate. I'm tired of wasting my time. I finally decide to get out of bed and I go downstairs to see everyone is up already. I see everyone except for Steve. My heart kind of drops a little. Seeing Steve always makes my day. "Hey Nat where's Steve?" "He's out on the balcony." Nat says. "Thanks." I say. I open the balcony doors and see Steve sitting on a chair staring out over the balcony. He looks so peaceful. "Hey." I say. "Oh hey." "What's going on? Nat told me you've been out here for a little while." I say. "Yeah I just needed to clear my head. I've been having a lot on my mind lately. I also feel like I should apologize to Nat because I ruined her moment." "Her moment?" I say. "Yeah her and Bruce are soulmates. We found that out earlier." "Oh that's great. I'm happy for them. I kind of already guessed that." I say. Nat and Bruce have had feelings for each other for a while now. I had really hoped they were soulmates because they would be so good together. They think they've been sneaking around but they haven't. They thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. "So you came out to clear your head? Are you alright?" I ask. "Honestly Tony I'm not. And I'm not sure if I want to talk about it either." He says. I feel a little hurt that Steve doesn't want to talk about what's bothering him. But it's his decision and I respect whatever he decides. "Actually. I've been holding this in for a while and I feel like I need to be honest with myself and you or I'll never get over this feeling." He says. "Okay..." I say. "Tony I like you. And I have liked you for a long time like since we first met. You're sweet, charismatic, smart, funny, talented, and you're always glowing. You make me feel things that I haven't felt with anyone else. I know you're with Pepper and you probably don't even like guys but I needed to say this. I don't want this to ruin our friendship either." I can't believe what Steve just said to me. I never thought that he would have feelings for me. He stares right into my eyes and I can see the passion that went behind his words. He means it. I guess this is the moment. This is the time where I come out of the closet. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I know you don't feel the same way, so now I can move on. But please save me from the embarrassment and keep this between us?" He says. "Steve I-." Then the doors swing open. It's Clint. "Hey we need you guys in here, we have another mission." Steve walks in after him.

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