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Messing around on her phone, Jammie waited patently for asks, occasionally looking at the world go on about it's life unbeknownst to the fact that they were all constantly being watched. Jammie closed her eyes for a second, trying to gain some rest, but was interrupted as a notification popped up on the screen, signalling an ask being sent it.
"Ah, finally, someone came along and sent something in!" She exclaimed, before realizing that she'd need to introduce the characters to the fact they were in an ask book. Grumbling jokingly, she started to type.

Within the town, Sabre, Lucas, and Rainbow were messing around, playing a game of "hardcore tag" (it was really just hide and seek tag). Rainbow was running away from Lucas, who managed to catch him by surprise, before he got hit in the face with a paper. Stopping running, he took off the paper from his face as Lucas tagged him.
"Hey! That's not fair, I got hit in the face!" Rainbow fake pouted, as Lucas giggled at him.
"Well that's too bad my friend! You're now on my team. Though I may let you go if it's a letter from the heavens and that they're controlling everything now" He joked, Rainbow smiled, roiling his eyes, before looking at the paper, reading it.
'Dearest citizens of the Steve saga realm. We from above have chosen this world to bless, we will not force anything to happen, as all we are able to do is send papers with questions on them, but you may choose to not answer, that is up to you. However we do now control the realm as we please, one of those things being that your attackers have less bloodlust for you all. This is purely to convenience us, and we may amplify their bloodlust if any of you are to fall out of line. We will always watch over you, and your first ask will arrive shortly.
Sincerely, your dearest admin
Rainbow couldn't believe what he just read, eyes widening in mixed emotions as he re-read it.
"Yes? What happened?"
He handed Lucas the letter "free pass..?" Rainbow watched Lucas' face flash with confusion, excitement, and a multitude of other emotions before landing on disappointment.
"The one time you don't win, it's literally the exact thing I said would get you off the hook!"
Rainbow laughed at that "Let's go tell Sabre too, I think he needs to know as well"

All Sabre could think of was "why this world?" And he even asked both Lucas and Rainbow about why they had even gotten this paper, before sighing and leaving it on the small coffee table Rainbow had built for him to make plans on. Getting up and stretching, he was about to head over to Light's hill to see if he knew anything, but heard a scream from Rainbow Steve.
"SaaabbbRRRREEEEEEE" he yelled, flying into the room at full speed, literally knocking the door off its hinges. Sabre jumped up, confused and worried.
"What happened man!!??" He yelled, as Rainbow got up and dusted himself off.
"We got a paper from the sky"
"What does it say then?"
"Uhm, hold on lemme just..."
Rainbow opened up the paper and snickered
"IcyWillowSong asked if I can pretend I died."
He put it in his pocket before talking again
"Um, no thanks, I think Sabre here has enough on his hands and Lucas acts just like a horror movie protagonist, and also Sabre is right here and heard me say it out loud. Maybe one day in the future though, just maybe, heheh"
Sabre sighed and spoke up instead "I was gonna go see if Light has any ideas about who this "J" person actually is, you down to join us?"
Rainbow nodded and jumped with excitement "I'd LOVE to, let me just get a flower for him"
Sabre smiled and followed him out the room "Alright, lead the way!"

Back at "the hub" Jammie sat spinning in circles on her chair. "Sorry he didn't do the thing, Icy, I think he'd be too hyper to do it anyway, lmao"
She sat in silence for a second. "Yes, I verbally said lmao, shut up"
Another silence followed
"Alright friends, I think that's all for today, if you enjoyed, please leave a vote and share this story with other fans, don't forget to leave an ask or two in the comments, I'll be seeing ya"
She waved off, still spinning as Jammie messed with her phone.

The World Of Order And Chaos: A Steve Saga Ask BookWhere stories live. Discover now