(Y/N): Fifth, only taunt when necessary.

I look at the last one, who was looking pretty scared.

(Y/N): Sixth, know when to retreat.

He then runs away, every bit of confidence he once had was gone.

I turn back to the small guy and help him up.

(Y/N): You ok?

Small guy: Y-yes! Th-thank you!

He ran away. There's no way that guy was messing with the other one's girlfriend. He's a wimp! Although, I guess if you have that build in a place like Honnouji, you have your reasons to be afraid.

Intercom: (Y/N)(L/N), attend to Lady Satsuki's office THIS INSTANT!

(Y/N): Shit.

I heard Gamagoori's voice through the intercom. Damn, they get to know things fast.

I make my way through the halls and eventually reach Lady Satsuki's office. I knock.

Satsuki: Come in.

I enter and see her sitting at a chair drinking a cup of tea, I take a seat on the chair across from her.

Satsuki: I assume you are aware of the reason you were called here.

(Y/N): Yes...

Satsuki: Can you explain why you beat five no stars in less than a minute?

(Y/N): They were picking on a defenseless guy. He was way smaller than them and he was already down.

Satsuki: I thought you did not like to interfere in other's business?

(Y/N): I honestly don't know what came over me... I think my conscience played a toll on me.

Satsuki: This is Honnouji Academy. If you don't know how to fight back, you get picked on. Survival of the fittest, it's as simple as that.

(Y/N): But there are some people who can't fight back.

Satsuki: That is because they are weak. They need to learn how to defend themselves alone. They need this constant picking to become stronger. Discipline is fear!

She raised her voice a bit, almost like she was giving a lecture. I can see why she won so many people's loyalty. It's almost intoxicating.

(Y/N): But what if I help them get stronger.

Satsuki: What are you implying?

(Y/N): What I mean is that I want to create a club.

Looks like I picked up her interest.

Satsuki: Continue.

(Y/N): You see, I've been seeing a lot of no stars being picked at lately, I'd assume it's because of fear and lack of experience in combat.

She seemed very interested in my speech now.

(Y/N): What I'm trying to say is: I would like to create a club to help those who are afraid to fight back, who are picked on and beaten down on a daily basis! Lady Satsuki, if you give me permission, I'd like to create my very own Self Defense Club! Not only for those defenseless people, but for the sake of Honnouji Academy as well!

She had a big smirk on her face.

Satsuki: Your ability to motivate people is truly remarkable, (L/N). If that is what you want, so be it. You have my conscent to create the Self Defense Club.

(Y/N): Yes! I- I mean, thank you Lady Satsuki! The future of Honnouji Academy will be bright!

Satsuki: Very well, Gamagoori will explain everything about it after the first period is done. So be at the courtyard right after.

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