Chapter 1

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'No way.' You thought. You're not a damn furry, you shouldn't have such feelings for a cat... Or overall for an animal. But... it's theoretically not a normal cat. He talks and looks similar to a human, just with tail and cat ears... and covered with fur.

'Aaaghhh, why is it so hard!' Just as you were about to continue on your ranting, you heard a loud sound...


... Or rather a series of constant ringing coming from your door bell.
You quickly got up, and already annoyed, as the sudden visitor seemed really attached to your door bell, yelled loudly "I'm coming!".

After almost falling down the stairs, you made it to the door.

"You know, if you ringed once it really would be eno...-!" After seeing who was at the door, you immediately stopped your little outburst.

"Did you forget about me already? We were supposed to meet an hour ago!" And there he stood, in his full glory. The guy you were just having mental crisis about.

"Oh... Hi... Raymond." And... that was all you were able to mutter at that moment. You were supposed to meet him? Why did you forget about it?! Were you actually so busy thinking about him, that you forgot about... Well, him? To be honest, the answer may disappoint you.

"And that's all you have to say?" The cat in front of you pouted. "You at least owe me an explanation." He frowned and looked at you with these big bright eyes... which totally wasn't forced by him just to make you feel guilty.

You deadpanned.

"Well... There's been a lot on my mind lately" You scratched your neck, hoping that Raymond will let go of the topic.

"And what could be more important than me, hmmm?" In the way he said it you could almost sense a hint of... jealousy? Nah, you're probably imagining it.

'If only he knew!'

"I... I'm reaally sorry for forgetting about our meeting" You decided that avoiding his question would be the best option. "But look..." You quickly took a look on the clock hanging on the wall on your right, trying not making it seem so obvious. "It's only 3 PM by now. We still have time to visit the... ehh..."

"The museum obviously." He grinned and his mood immediately seemed to lighten up. "As I told you before, there's going to be a new bug collection!"

Seeing Raymond smile was sometimes too much for your heart, you thought. Shielding yourself with your hand from the sudden brightness coming from his radiating happiness, you smiled back.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" You declared cheerfully, what only made the feline nod, while his paw already reached your smaller hand.

The Feline Charm | Raymond x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora