Hearts Torn Asunder

16 1 0


result: 55/60

Cover (2/5): The cover is an important part of a story, it is the first thing the readers will see and sometimes, it makes a huge difference in the interest the reader has towards the book. On this specific cover, you can see a heartbeat which is directly related to the story, but I think it needs some improvement. To be completely honest, I do not find the cover appealing, but since its related to the story and it's not just a picture with some text that has nothing to do with the story, I will give 2 points.

Plot (20/25): The story itself is interesting. There are a lot of delicate and hard topics to write about (miscarriage, grief, faith, love and the lack of it, hope...). The author is able to navigate through them easily.

Grammar (15/15): I have only one word to describe it: PERFECT. I did not see one single mistake. My English is far from perfect so I don't know if my opinion really matters on that subject, but I think that the author did an amazing job. The words are also really well chosen and the story is pleasant to read. I will give all 15 points.

Characters (10/10): The characters are well developed. We can see qualities and flaws, humanizing them and making them realistic. We can easily understand the pain and the distress they're feeling through their actions and words. It's easy to understand the way they deal with the loss of another child.

Notes, recommendations and bonus points (3/5): The first impression is something really important and the author definitely knows it. So far it is a good and well written story. The second part of the story is also great. We can see the characters grieving in their own way, which is interesting. The author is able to make the reader want more and continue to read. It's a useful skill to have when you're a writer. The third part really shows how hard it is to have a loved one in a critical condition. The fourth and last part is a little short compared to the others, but ends well. Overall, this story is really great and I recommend it.

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