
I was freshly showered and in my robe when Helda came into my room with the rest of my belongings. I'd normally hate for anyone to catch me without makeup on but it was just Helda. Who was she going to tell? I asked her to fill me in on the gossip. There's not much that goes on in the house that she doesn't know about.

"Ma'am always arguing on the phone with Mr Kwan. She don't think he's good enough to run his company. Oh, and I heard Ma'am on the phone with another business partner in the middle of the night yesterday. Very secret. They talking about medicine." Helda said with a glint in her eye then left the room. Medicine? Was Reyna sick?


Dinner was...strange. Mostly due to two reasons.

1) Reyna and I hardly ever ate meals together, just the two of us.

2) She was actually acting a little more human and less cyborg. Though scrutinizing my face, she didn't tell me off about my makeup, she only told me to stop slouching twice and she had Helda make beef wellington.

"I know it's your favorite," Reyna said simply. I narrowed my eyes. She was right.

"I used to make this with Dad," I said, maybe trying to dig at her a little.

I could tell that bringing him up still made her uncomfortable. Dad was free-spirited and a stunning cook. Basically the exact opposite of Reyna. All it took was his death for Reyna to freak out, and ship me off to boarding school at the tender age of 10. She really threw herself into her work then and the business became her life. While I admired her success and how much the company has grown over the years, I would've admired her more if she had found the time to be a mother to me.

Reyna smiled tightly and redirected the conversation. As Helda was clearing our plates and serving dessert - panna cotta, another dish Dad taught me to make - Reyna said "Now, let's discuss business."

"Mendoza Enterprises is moving forward with several new projects alongside Kwan United Industries following our successful partnership in the past. I'm also working on expanding the company..."

As Reyna talked, I took a bite of the panna cotta and grimaced a little. The coffee taste was a bit too strong. I tuned back in when Reyna said "...so I'd like for you to be slowly, but surely, integrated into the company."

Stunned, I almost choked. Reyna waited for me to recover and took a bite of dessert only to promptly spit it out.


Here we go.

The maid rushed into the dining room. Reyna's sharp eyes zeroed in on her.

"Did you leave any coffee for the rest of Hong Kong?"

"Huh? I-"

"Shut up. The coffee taste is too overwhelming. Throw them out!" Reyna ordered. Helda apologized profusely while clearing our plates. I could only offer her a quick sympathetic smile.

I waited for her to leave the dining room before continuing our conversation.

"Why? Are you sick or something?" I asked, remembering what Helda had said earlier.

Reyna looked confused. "No. You're 20 now and I recognize your potential. I think you could do great things with your life if you were given the chance."

"I'm sorry but you haven't exactly been interested in my life for the past 10 years. So what are you really planning?" I asked, crossing my arms.

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