space invaders

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2 weeks earlier

School would be starting up again in a few days for Eddie's Sophomore year. He's beyond nervous, yes, but he feels like he's ready. He's spent the summer with his 5 best friends, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, and Beverly Marsh. He couldn't have a better friend group than them.

They spent days running around the pastures of Mike's farm, riding their bikes around the streets of their small hometown, Derry, or playing down at the Barrens. Each day was spent under the burning sun that didn't hesitate to burn Eddie's cheeks no matter how many times he reapplied his sunblock.

That summer of 1991 was probably one of the best he's had. Not a day went by where Eddie didn't laugh so hard he thought his lungs were going to explode. The voice inside of his that belonged to none other than his mother would say that it wasn't healthy and he should be more careful because of how delicate he was. He was special, as she would say, frail and delicate.

He hated those words.

But being with his friends proved his mother wrong. They made him feel like he didn't have five billion medical issues. He was free when he was with the Losers.

But sadly, their summer had to end and it felt like the ending had come all too quickly. It felt like just yesterday Eddie was running out of the house early in the morning to meet his friends to start their summer vacation.

The Losers had decided that they would all meet at the arcade. They'd been saving up all of their money the whole week and now it was time to waste it all on arcade tokens. Eddie wasn't fond of the arcade. There was an abundance of germs all over the place and he couldn't handle it, not to mention Henry and his brainless gang always hung around there, and they definitely did not like Eddie or the rest of his friends.

But he would have to suck it up and just go along with it today. But oh he would be glad that he did.

All of the Losers met at Bill's house since it was technically right in the middle of Derry, and closest for everyone to get to. From there they would ride their bikes to whatever destination they were headed towards that day.

Stan was always the first to arrive, he hated being even a second late or a second early so he would always arrive first. Next would be Eddie, then Beverly, (but it always depended with her) then Ben, and Mike was always last because he lived the farthest. But they all got there and that's what mattered.

"H-h-how m-m-muh-much m-m-money do y-y-yuh-you all h-h-have?" Bill asked. Even though his stutter was ferocious, the Losers had gotten used to it, and yes it was annoying but he couldn't help it.

"I have.. $4.15." Stanley replied after counting his haul.

"$2.70." Mike said.

"I've got.. $3.75." Ben added, counting all of his quarters again to see if the amount was correct.

"4 dollars." Eddie stated, although he had just taken a few bucks out of his mother's purse as he was heading out of the door.

"$2.30.." Beverly mumbled. She was never one to have a ton of money, but she scraped up what she could for the boys. It's not like she was going to play any of those games.

"I h-h-have f-f-fuh-five dollars." Bill said quietly. He too had just stolen a crisp five dollar bill out of his mom's purse.

"If we combine it all together we've got a good amount of money. We can get a bunch of tokens with this." Mike pointed out making everyone grin widely. They would definitely be spending the whole day there.

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