Chapter 2

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Sidney stood looking with disbelief at this woman who had played such a distasteful part in his life, and he could not conceive of a single notion how to address her. Eliza was obviously dressed and groomed for this encounter. With a beseeching look in her eyes that belied that this meeting was accidental she began sweetly, "Sidney, am I not to be invited in-we are not strangers." She stood within an arm's length of Sidney with an inquiring look, hoping for an opening to make advancement on her latest desire-winning him to herself again.

Lord McTaggart was an important step to advance her goal of obtaining a title for herself, however he did not stir her imagination or heart the way Sidney did.

"No indeed, we are not strangers. I would probably characterize our knowledge of one another as estranged former acquaintances. And, you will not be invited into my home, not now or ever again." Sidney spoke with a tightness in his voice that could only be interpreted as anger and loathing.

"Sidney, it has been three long years and I daresay, my decision at that time was probably not the best one. I would like to talk to you and find a way to put our animosity to rest." Eliza continued with her falsely sweet voice and a smile that never reached her eyes.

With a wry grin and obvious distaste Sidney said, "The decision you made was the best one you could have made for me. Being released from the prospect of a lifelong marriage to someone I did not love... dare I say, came to detest... was the equivalent of being released from prison. And, I thank you for that."

Sidney continued with rapid fire indictments of her selfish and vain life-how he was blinded to who she really is by her beauty which she uses to gain whatever charms her.

Eliza, feigning hurt, dabbing at her eyes as if crying, questioned, "Sidney, I wonder, did you marry?"

"Yes." he said, giving no further information.

With the venom in her voice that Sidney knew would be released by that answer, she spat out the accusation, "And, I suppose it was that country bumpkin girl I met. What was her name? Charlotte? Well, she was no catch, Sidney, just a plain simpleton from the country who might have known a little poetry. You must be bored out of your mind."

With an explosion of temper and a voice that carried for blocks, Sidney turned to Eliza with fire blazing in his eyes, "Enough! You know nothing of my wife and that is how it will remain. I would appreciate never seeing you or hearing your name mentioned again! My advice to you is to stay far from the Parker family-all of them-and go back to your titled husband. We have nothing further to discuss. Good day."

And with that he turned and walked into his London home; however, his day had been ruined by being ambushed by this simpering woman who believed he was just to be caught like a fish on a hook.

Sidney walked to the drinks table and poured himself a tall glass of whiskey. Slumping into his favorite chair he realized that holding the glass so tightly could cause it to explode and he set it down on the table, abandoning the wish to drink until he could no longer feel Eliza's presence. After two joyous years with Charlotte, Eliza could still disrupt his peace.

"Charlotte, my dear Charlotte, how I wish you were here," he thought to himself. "I am no good without you by my side every day." Standing to stretch and trying to set his mind back in order, he called for his hat and coat and left to walk the many blocks to the enterprise offices to visit with Otis, hoping the exercise and fresh air would clear his mind.

"Otis, good to see you. How is my former ward, Georgiana? Well, I trust," Sidney said with a smile as he walked into the offices they shared.

"Yes, Sidney, good to see you as well. Georgiana is very well and busy as usual with the many organizations related to her passion to free all people of color everywhere! She is an energetic wonder," Otis said with a broad smile. "I am glad you are here, as there are contracts that we both should review and decide upon. Our services and goods are in high demand and it will be a challenge to prioritize."

The two men sat down to trade paper contracts back and forth, discussing minute details and in some cases laughing at the overly demanding language some contained. "Otis, you are a wonder to ferret out the ones worth keeping and those to be blown away with the wind," Sidney said with a sincere appreciation for his partner and friend.

With the mention of the wind... Sidney's mind went immediately to Charlotte and how she adored walking along the clifftops on a windy day, hair flying in every direction. With that thought Sidney made a hasty decision to quickly review business that needed his attention and begin the return trip to Sanditon.

Charlotte sat in the drawing room of her home enjoying a late tea after an exhausting day when the coach drew up to the door. "Sidney! I did not expect you back so quickly. I trust all is well?"

Sidney swept her up into his arms and holding her tightly he vowed to her that indeed, all is very well.

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