SEVEN. it was all because of you, peter parker

Start from the beginning

"A big purple dude showed up and screwed up the Universe." Peter finally said bluntly, not to Nellie's surprise.

"No," Nellie shook her head, and sat up. Their eyes met and caused Nellie's heart to nearly melt. The way he looked at her then was just like he had the day he'd almost lost her.

"I mean. . .how did we get here?"

Peter also shook his head, but because he didn't understand. She could see it in his face.

"I'm not quite sure I follow. . ." He trailed off, tucking a single brown lock behind her ear.

"A year ago I was beginning the school year as the girl who sat behind you in Lab. And Math. And English. I thought I knew everything about you. . .until I was asked to write that article and I picked you as my writing subject."

Peter held up a finger, "Technically that was six years ago."

Nellie shot him a look, but kept going with what she was saying.

"Then I really got to know you. And I realized I liked you even that much more."

"And then you found out I was Spider-man."

Nellie swallowed, and used her free hand to trace Peter's wrist gauntlets that held his web shooters, "And then everything changed."

Peter's face seemed to fall, and his gaze lowered, "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened, Nell."

Nellie shook her head and moved her hand to his cheek, "No. You changed my life Peter. . .for the better. Because of you, I've known what real love feels like. In a relationship, and in a family. Without you, I might have never gotten that chance."

"So you're saying there are perks to knowing the amazing Spider-man?" Peter puzzled, his eyes finding hers once more. This time they were a little brighter.

Nellie smiled weakly, "There may be a perk or two. But the boy behind the mask is who I love the most. Who I wanted to like me back so badly for an embarrassingly long time before it actually ever happened."

Peter took her chin with the tip of his hand and tilted her face upwards before kissing her softly.

"I wish I would have noticed sooner."

Nellie smiled, "You were too busy staring at Liz Allan with drool hanging out of your mouth." She chuckled, the tips of their noses touching.

Peter frowned, "Now that's dramatic."

Nellie leaned back and let out a laugh, "No, that actually happened. MJ and I saw it all. And it was glorious."

Peter caught her in a kiss again, holding her face with a warm, calloused hand.

"I was different then. I thought girls like Liz Allan were hot and way out of my league," Peter admitted, though his choices of words caused Nellie's face to twist.

She pushed his chest jokingly, "So you think I'm not hot and I am in your league?"

Both of them chuckled, drowning out the sounds of the crickets and final chirping of the birds for the night.

He looked down at the picnic blanket, at their hands still intertwined.

"No, I think you're both of those things. But you're also so much more." His words were sweet and truthful, that much Nellie knew.

She took her rightful place once more in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Do you think Liz Allan's like. . .21 now?" Nellie asked, her eyes fluttering shut.

Make Him Proud, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now