part 2

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3rd person pov flashback
Tony Stark and his boyfriend Steve were sitting on the couch when all of the Avengers walked in, talking loud much to Tony's dislike "Can you guys please shut up! I have a serious head-ache and your constant rambling isn't making it any better." said Tony "Well maybe you wouldn't have such a bad head-ache if you had gotten more than 3 hours of sleep this week." replied Steve in an annoyed tone "I had to finish my new suit!" retorted Tony "Man of spiders" said Thor suddenly, startling everyone "What?" asked Natasha "I know that this is sudden but i would like to know more about the man of spiders. He is a truly curious being." said Thor "Oh! Yeah, we all are really curious about spider-man. He's a vigalante that showed up a year ago and no-one knows who he is. I think we have a right to be curious." said Loki "Yeah! We want to know more about spider-man!" shouted Nat "No, guys he has a right to his privacy. We don't need to kn-" Tony was cut off by Steve saying "Tony, i get where you're coming from but i'm also really curious about him. He's the only hero in this entire city that hasn't shown his identity. I really want to know more about him, please?" begged Steve with puppy dog eyes "But-" tony cut himself off and looked at Steve, finally giving in to the puppy eyes that he could never say no to "Alright,fine. I'll go find him and try to get information but if he gives me a valid reason as to whay he's so secretive then i'm leaving him alone and so are all of you, do i make myself clear." said tony "Yes! Thanks tony!" said Steve and nat at the same time.
Back to now
And that's how tony stark ended up tracking down a little spider at 1 in the morning. Tony was now staring right at spider-man. "'s the thing spider-man, me and my boyfriend Captain America are really curious about you" said tony "What do you mean?" asked peter "Well, me and all the rest of the Avengers want to know more about you." said tony "Oh...well, i'm sorry but i can't tell you anything. I know that it's weird that i'm the only hero in the city that hasn't shown my identity but i don't really think that should matter. I'm helping people so no-one needs to know my identity." said peter, getting ready to swing away if things got to out of hand "Okay look, i completely understand that, in-fact i didn't want to do this in the first place, i think that you have a right to not want anyone to know who you are and i don't want to force you to do anything but i really want to make Steve happy so i have to go back with atleast some information. You don't have to tell me who you are just tell me some things about yourself, please." said tony "..." "please" tony repeated "O-okay...i'm 16, i'm a boy even though that's kind of obvious, and i'm an orphan. That's all your gonna get out of me." said peter "oh, well...sorry that your an orphan..." said tony, feeling bad about making him bring it up "It's fine. See ya tin-can!" said peter as he leaped off of the building and webbed back to the orphanage. When he got back he quietly crawlled through the window "I'm really hungry, i haven't eaten in days..." thought peter as he got changed out of his suit. Him and the rest of the orphans were fed of course and they got new clothes because if they were skinny and didn't have good clothes than people would get suspicious. The only reason peter hadn't eaten in days was the voice that had entered his head a few years ago. "Don't eat, you're already fat and ugly." said the voice when peter started to think about eating something "Yeah, you're right..." thought peter. He started to feel the familiar urge so he went in his bag and got out what seemed to be his only friend, the bloodied blade. He rolled up his sleeves and began to make thin lines on his arms,they started to get deeper and deeper until peter's arms were covered in blood. He washed away the blood by putting some water from his water bottle onto an old beaten up rag. He then got out some bandages and rapped up his arms not bothering to put any anti-bacteria spray on it because he thought that if it got infected and he died it wouldn't be the worst thing. Peter lay in his small, old bed that smelled of blood and thought "I know i'm depressed, but...why? So many people have it way worse than me, right? Or is what's happening to me truly terrible. Do i deserve all of this pain? Do i deserve to suffer the way i am?" peter hoplessly thought to himself "Yes, you do deserve the pain, the suffering, you deserve to die. It's your fault aunt may died. It's your fault your friends hate you. It's all your fault. You deserve this." answered the voice in a harsh and venomous voice "'s my fault. I deserve to die." whispered peter. "I'll cut more when i get to school tomorrow..." was he last thing peter thought before he drifted into a sleep plauged with nightmares.
Why do i only write sad fanfics? Uggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!! I'm so bored. I have absoultley nohing to do except for this. I haven't been out of the house in like forever thanks to the stupid coronavirus. Sorry it's kind of short! 1012 words.  

Lost and never found...(depressed peter parker fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now